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All India PT Mock Test 2025 (OMR Based)
22nd January 2025 (11 Topics)

US Withdrawal from World Health Organization (WHO)


U.S. President Donald Trump signed an executive order to withdraw from the World Health Organization (WHO).

Details of the Executive Order:

  • The order included four key actions:
  • Pause on funding: All U.S. financial contributions to WHO were stopped. The U.S. contributes around 20% of WHO’s total budget. The U.S. is the largest single financial contributor, both through mandatory and voluntary
    • Recall of U.S. personnel: All U.S. government workers linked to WHO were recalled.
    • Identify new partners: The U.S. would find new international partners to take over roles previously carried out by WHO.
    • Stop negotiations on the pandemic treaty: The U.S. would stop participating in negotiations about a global pandemic treaty that WHO was working on to help countries prepare for future health crises.
  • Trump listed several reasons for this decision:
    • WHO mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic.
    • WHO failed to implement urgent reforms.
    • WHO showed political bias and was influenced by member states.
    • The U.S. was asked for unfairly large financial contributions.

Impact on India:

  • Health Programs in India: WHO plays a role in several health programs in India, like fighting diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, HIV, and providing support for the immunization program.
  • Funding Cuts: The loss of U.S. funding means WHO may not be able to fund or implement these programs effectively in India and other countries.
  • Expertise Loss: U.S. health experts have contributed significantly to WHO’s research and guidelines for handling health crises. Their absence will affect how WHO can guide countries during health emergencies.

The Role of India and the Global South:

  • With the U.S. pulling out, countries like India and China from the Global South could play a more significant role in filling the gap left by the U.S.
  • India has become a prominent voice in the Global South on health and other international issues, and experts expect India to step up and lead global health efforts along with other nations like South Africa.
About World Health Organization (WHO)
  • The World Health Organization (WHO) is the global health body of the United Nations (UN), founded in 1948 in the aftermath of World War II. Its primary mission is to promote global health, protect against infectious diseases, and serve vulnerable populations
  • Key Functions of WHO:
    • Global Health Promotion: WHO works on improving health systems, strengthening primary health care, and increasing access to essential health services for people worldwide.
    • Disease Control: It helps combat both infectious and non-infectious diseases through global health programs.
    • Universal Health Coverage (UHC): WHO aims to expand healthcare access to a billion more people and ensure better protection against health emergencies for another billion.
    • Essential Medicines and Medical Devices: WHO maintains a list of essential medicines that hospitals should stock. It also has a similar list for diagnostic tests and priority medical devices, such as ventilators, X-ray, and ultrasound machines.
  • Funding: The WHO is funded in part by mandatory fees from member states, alongside voluntary contributions and an investment round. 
  • Withdrawal: The WHO constitution does not allow for a simple withdrawal. However, when the U.S. joined WHO in 1948, it had a special condition that allowed it to withdraw by giving a one-year notice and settling financial obligations for that year.
  • Major Successes of WHO:
  • Child Vaccination: WHO's vaccination programs have been pivotal in eradicating smallpox in 1979 and reducing polio by 99% in recent decades.
  • Leadership in Health Crises: WHO played a central role in managing global health emergencies such as: 2003 SARS epidemic; 2009 H1N1 (swine flu) epidemic; 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa; 2016 Zika virus outbreak in the Americas; 2019 Ebola epidemic in the Democratic Republic of Congo; COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.
    • Health Emergency Declarations: WHO has the exclusive authority to declare global health emergencies. Since 2007, it has done so six times, including during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Q: Critically examine the role of WHO in providing global health security during the COVID-19 pandemic. (2020)


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