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12th September 2024 (10 Topics)

Vulture Population


Of the nine vulture species in India, three of them — white-backed, slender-billed, and long-billed vultures — have seen a 99 per cent decline in the last decade. The main cause was the use of diclofenac, an anti-inflammatory drug to treat cattle, which has proved toxic for vultures when they feed on cattle carcasses. Other drugs like aciclofenac and ketoprofane, also toxic to vultures, were banned in 2023 but remain in use.

About Indian vulture (Gyps indicus)

  • The Indian vulture (Gyps indicus) is a large bird of prey that belongs to the family
  • With a wingspan of about 1.96 to 2.38 meters, it has a body length of about 75 to 85 centimeters.
  • The plumage is primarily pale with dark flight feathers and a bare, pale head. The neck and head are covered in down, which is sparse compared to other vulture species.
  • It has a hooked beak adapted for tearing flesh from carcasses.
  • Indian vultures are scavengers, feeding mainly on the carcasses of dead animals. They play a critical role in the ecosystem by disposing of dead animals, which helps prevent the spread of diseases.
  • Indian vultures are found primarilyin South Asia, including India, Pakistan, and Nepal. Their range extends to some parts of Southeast Asia.
  • Threat: The use of nemisulide, flunixine and carprofane posed risks to vultures, scavenger birds which feed on carcasses of animals treated with these medicines.
    • There is need to use vulture-safe alternatives like meloxicam and tolfenamic acid.
  • Significance of Vultures
    • Vultures provide free ecosystem services, which are the contributions that ecosystems or wildlife make to human well-being.
    • Vultures are obligate scavengers that play a crucial role in maintaining ecosystem services such as nutrient recycling, removal of soil and water contaminants, and regulating the spread of diseases.
    • Their presence can help limit the transmission of diseases by controlling the populations of other facultative scavengers such as feral dogs.

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