The shortage of Medical graduates and lack of Government Medical colleges in India awakens to promote equity by incentivizing migration to underserved areas, prioritizing scale-friendly policies over production restrictions for sustainable growth.
Demand-Supply Discrepancy in Medical Education
Lack of availability: Demand for doctors surpasses availability, while seats for medical education also fall short.
Less doctor graduates: Despite substantial growth in medical colleges and seats, India lags behind global counterparts in doctor per population ratio.
Lack of Infrastructure: Small-sized medical colleges hinder scaling due to regulatory and financial constraints.
Constraints Affecting Public and Private Colleges
Challenges: Public and private medical colleges face scalability challenges, including faculty shortages.
More funds required: Government colleges offer education at lower prices but require subsidies to cover high costs.
Need for cost reduction of medical education: Regulatory reforms and tech integration are vital for cost reduction and efficiency improvement.
Rural-Urban Divide
Balancing Quality, Scale, and Equity: Competency-based curriculum aims to maintain doctor quality, influencing scalability limits.
Need to enhance productivity: The US model demonstrates how resource utilization and innovative teaching methods can enhance productivity.
Migration and urbanization of Doctors: Prioritizing equity over scale, National Medical Commission faces potential inefficiencies due to inter-state doctor migration.