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UPSC Latest Notifications

The UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) plays a pivotal role in India's governance by conducting a range of competitive exams to select candidates for various prestigious government posts. If you're an aspirant seeking a rewarding career in civil services, then the UPSC notifications are your gateway to opportunities. In this article, we'll dive into the UPSC notification 2024, detailing essential information about exam dates, application procedures, and more. The UPSC releases detailed notifications for each exam, providing insights into eligibility criteria, syllabus, exam pattern, and application procedures. Aspirants must thoroughly read UPSC notifications to ensure they meet the criteria and prepare effectively for the exams.

UPSC Prelims Result 2023 Released, Download UPSC Prelims Result PDF

The UPSC Prelims Result 2023 has been released by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) on the official website. Aspirants can download UPSC Prelims Result PDF from the link given in this article.


The list of rejected applications for UPSC CSE 2023 released

In the event of rejection, candidates have 10 days to appeal. Submissions must be made by March 17 along with documentary evidence (hard copy in original).


UPSC CSE Prelims 2021 Postponed to 10th October, 2021

Due to unprecedented surge in the number of Covid-19 cases the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has postponed the Civil Services preliminary exam. This exam will now be held on 10th October as per announcement made by UPSC on 13th May.


UPSC Notification for the UPSC PRELIMS 2021

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the notification for the UPSC PRELIMS 2021 examination. CIVIL SERVICES (PRELIMINARY) EXAMINATION, 2021, will take palce on  27th June.


UPSC Exam Calendar 2021

Every year UPSC releases a calendar for exams to be conducted with dates. Commission has released a calendar for 2021 on 17th august 2020. The commission releases an official notification for the Civil Services Examination every Year. The date for official notification mentioned in the official calendar for the year 2021 was 10th February however UPSC has not released notification so far.


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