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17th August 2024 (11 Topics)

Ensuring Social Justice in the Bureaucracy

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The lack of Scheduled Caste (SC) and Scheduled Tribe (ST) officers involved in framing the 2024 Budget, highlights a broader issue of underrepresentation. The Finance Minister's response, pointing to similar disparities in charitable trusts, shifted the focus to political countercharges. The underlying issue, however, is the dominance of upper-caste officers in senior civil service positions.

Current Representation Issues

  • Low SC/ST Representation: Data shows that SC/ST officers hold only 4% of Secretary and Joint Secretary positions in central ministries. This indicates a significant underrepresentation at high policy-making levels.
  • Limited Career Advancement: SC/ST and other reserved category candidates face challenges advancing to senior positions due to age limits for civil service exams and the impact of early retirement. This hampers their ability to reach top levels in government.
  • Impact of Retirement Policies: Existing retirement policies disadvantage late entrants, who are often from SC/ST backgrounds. These policies contribute to the slow progress of reserved category officers in reaching senior ranks.

Proposed Solutions for Increased Representation

  • Revised Retirement Age: A suggested reform includes implementing a fixed tenure for civil service officers, regardless of their entry age. This could help SC/ST and OBC officers reach senior positions more effectively.
  • Flexible Retirement Age: Adjusting retirement age limits could accommodate longer careers for all officers, allowing more time to reach senior levels. Suggested changes include lowering the upper age limit to ensure earlier retirements.
  • Committee for Review: Establishing an independent committee with diverse representation to evaluate retirement policies and their impact on social justice in civil services. This committee could propose more inclusive reforms.

Addressing Systemic Issues

  • Efficiency Over Age: Emphasis should shift from the age of entry to the efficiency and performance of civil servants. This would ensure that officers are assessed on their contributions rather than the age at which they joined.
  • Focus on Social Justice: Reforming retirement policies to create a more equitable environment in civil services could enhance social justice. This includes ensuring reserved category officers have fair opportunities to ascend to senior positions.
  • Political and Administrative Balance: Addressing the imbalance in senior civil service roles requires both political will and administrative changes. Effective policy reforms should be pursued to ensure better representation and equity.
Mains Question

Q. What are the challenges faced by SC/ST officers in advancing to senior positions in the Indian civil services? Suggest measures for improving representation and social justice in the bureaucracy.


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