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4th February 2025 (12 Topics)

Ethanol Blending & Impact


India is on track to achieve its target of 20% ethanol blending in petrol ahead of schedule, with the goal set to be met in the next two months, a year earlier than expected. This ambitious target would require the production of nearly 1,100 crore litres of ethanol annually.

Key Highlights:

  • Ethanol Production Sources: The 1,100 crore litres of ethanol required to meet the 20% blending target will come from a variety of feedstocks:
    • Sugar and high-grade molasses: Expected to contribute around 400 crore litres.
    • Food Corporation of India (FCI) rice: About 110 crore litres of ethanol is projected to come from FCI rice this year.
    • Maize: This will account for around 350-400 crore litres of ethanol, a notable shift, as ethanol production from maize has grown significantly since 2020.
  • Ethanol Distillery Capacity: India’s ethanol distillery capacity has grown to 1,600 crore litres, driven by government incentives and a stable, lucrative market for ethanol production.

Maize’s Role:

  • Maize, traditionally used for food, animal feed, and starch, has gained importance in ethanol production.
  • With the increase in demand for ethanol, maize is now cultivated more extensively for fuel.
  • The government’s policy to allow ethanol production from maize has spurred its growth, and it has become a key feedstock alongside sugarcane.
  • Initially, India was not producing much ethanol from maize, but now it is expected to produce 350-400 crore litres of ethanol from 9 million tonnes of maize.
    • This shift is supported by farmers turning to maize cultivation, particularly in states like Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, and others, as it offers better financial returns than traditional uses like poultry feed.
  • Negative Impact:
    • The shift towards ethanol production could impact food supply, as maize, which is usually used for livestock feed, is now increasingly diverted to ethanol production.
    • If more land is used for maize cultivation, it could reduce the availability of land for other food crops.

What is Ethanol Blending?

  • Ethanol is one of the primary biofuels, naturally produced through the fermentation of sugars by yeasts or through petrochemical processes like ethylene hydration.
  • It is widely used not only as an alternative fuel source but also in various industries as a chemical solvent and in the synthesis of organic compounds.
  • Medical applications: antiseptic and disinfectant
  • Ethanol blending is the process of mixing ethanol, an alcohol-based fuel made from renewable sources like sugarcane, maize, or rice, with petrol.
  • The practice of blending ethanol with petrol began in 2001 as a pilot project. 
  • The ethanol blend is used in internal combustion engines, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and decreasing air pollution.
  • Blending ethanol into petrol also helps mitigate the economic impact of oil import bills and promotes sustainable fuel options.
Maize Cultivation
  • In India, maize is principally grown in two seasons, rainy (kharif) and winter (rabi). Kharif maize represents around 83% of maize area in India, while rabi maize correspond to 17% maize area. 
  • Temperature: 25o Celsius-30o Celsius
  • Soil: Fertile well-drained alluvial or simply red loams free of coarse elements and full off nitrogen.
  • Maize Producing States: Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Telangana, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, and Gujarat.
  • Globally, maize is grown over 207 million hectares producing over 1,218 mt in 2022-23. The United States remains the largest producer of maize.
  • The US, Brazil and Argentina - the three largest producers of maize - dominate the global trade of 197 mt of maize exported primarily to China, the European Union, Mexico, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Iran and Egypt. 
  • India barely contributed 3 per cent at 34.6 mt from around 11 million hectares in 2022-23.

Q. Given below are the names of four energy crops. Which one of them can be cultivated for ethanol? (2010)

  1. Jatropha 
  2. Maize 
  3. Pongamia 
  4. Sunflower 


Q. According to India’s National Policy on Biofuels, which of the following can be used as raw materials for the production of biofuels? (2020)

  1. Cassava 
  2. Damaged wheat grains 
  3. Groundnut seeds 
  4. Horse gram 
  5. Rotten potatoes 
  6. Sugar beet 

Select the correct answer using the code given below: 

  1. 1, 2, 5 and 6 only 
  2. 1, 3, 4 and 6 only 
  3. 2, 3, 4 and 5 only 
  4. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 


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