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04th November 2024 (12 Topics)

First Asian Buddhist Summit


Ministry of Culture in collaboration with the International Buddhist Confederation, is organizing the First Asian Buddhist Summit (ABS) on 5th and 6th November in New Delhi.


  • The theme of this summit is ‘Role of Buddha Dhamma in Strengthening Asia’.
  • The Summit will bring together Sangha leaders, scholars, experts and practitioners from various Buddhist traditions across Asia to foster dialogue, promote understanding and address contemporary challenges faced by the Buddhist community.
  • Buddhism holds a unique position in the spiritual and cultural history of India and pan-Asia. The Summit marks a unique opportunity to bring together diverse voices of Buddha’s Dhamma across Asia.
  • The summit is also a manifestation of India's 'Act East' policy, which is principled on collective, inclusive and spiritual development of Asia with Dhamma as the guiding light.

Fact Box:

Buddhism in India:

  • Siddhartha Gautam, born in 563 BC, was part of the Sakya royal family that ruled from Kapilvastu, Lumbini. At the age of 29, Gautama left home and led a life of self-denial.
  • After 49 days of meditation, Gautama received enlightenment under a pipal tree at Bodhgaya in Bihar.
  • Buddha made his first sermon in the village of Sarnath, near the town of Benares in the UP. The event is known as the Dharma-Chakra-Pravartana (legal wheel revolution).
  • He died at the age of 80 in Kushinagara, a city in the UP. The event is known as Mahaparinibban.
  • The rules of Buddhism:
  • Middle Path: Avoid both extremes of worldly pleasure and the practice of extreme self-The Buddha instead called the 'Madhyam Marg' or the intermediate method to be followed.
  • Four good truths:
    • Suffering exists (Dukkha)
    • Suffering has a cause (Samud?ya)
    • Suffering has an end (Nirodha)
    • There is a path that leads to the end of suffering(Magga)
  • Eight-Way Ways: Positive Views, Proper Objective, Proper Speech, Proper Action, Proper Health, Positive Thinking, Positive Effort, Positive Concentration
  • Five Principles or Pancasil- Violence, theft, sexual misconduct, lying or gossip, drunkenness

Major Buddhist texts:

  • The Buddhist scriptures are known as the Tipitaka which means 'three baskets'.  Tripitaka is made up of three main sections:
    • VinayaPitaka (moral code)
    • SuttaPitaka (Dhamma Buddha): Divided into five Nicayas: Digha, Majjhima, Samyutta, Anguttara, AnguttaraKhuddaka
    • AbhidammaPitaka (philosophical analysis)
  • Other important Buddhist texts include Divyavadana, Dipavamsa, Mahavamsa, Milind Panha etc.

Buddhist Schools:

  • Mahayana believes in the heaven of the Buddha and the idolatrous worship of the Buddha and the Bodhisattvas including the Buddha Nature.
  • Hinayana believes in the original teachings of the Buddha or the Doctrine of the Elders. He does not believe in idolatry and seeks to gain personal salvation through self-discipline and meditation.
  • Theravada is a Hinayana sect, founded in Sri Lanka and later spread throughout Southeast Asia.
  • Vajrayan means "Car of Thunder", also known as tantric Buddhism.
  • Zen is a school of Mahayana Buddhism founded in China.

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