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12th June 2024 (12 Topics)

Portable Optical Atomic Clocks


A recent study introduced a portable optical atomic clock suitable for onboard ships. This innovation, utilizing molecular iodine as a frequency standard, represents a significant advancement in optical timekeeping. Miniaturization of components like the spectrometer, laser system, and frequency comb enables compact designs suitable for various applications.


  • Testing: Initial tests demonstrated the stability and accuracy of these portable optical atomic clocks.
  • The clocks exhibited resilience to environmental factors like temperature fluctuations and humidity changes.
  • Features:
    • Optical atomic clocks operate at optical frequencies, leveraging lasers to stimulate atomic transitions.
    • The coherent light emitted by lasers ensures precise and stable measurements.
    • Strontium (Sr) and ytterbium ions are commonly used in optical atomic clocks due to their narrow linewidths and stable optical transitions.
    • Accuracy: While not as accurate as laboratory-based optical atomic clocks, these portable variants offer sufficient precision for real-world applications.
    • Quality: accuracy, portability, and robustness
    • Application: poised to revolutionize various industries, from maritime navigation to space exploration

Fact Box: About Atomic clock

  • An atomic clock is a device that uses the vibrations of atoms to measure time
  • Specifically, it uses the oscillations of the electrons in in atoms to keep time
  • They work by using a type of atom called a "cesium atom".
  • To measure time using cesium atoms, an atomic clock uses a device called a "microwave cavity".
  • Types of atomic clocks: There are two types of atomic clocks: cesium atomic clocks and hydrogen maser atomic clocks.
  • Cesium atomic clocks are the most common and are used to define the international standard for time, called Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
  • Hydrogen maser atomic clocks are even more accurate than cesium atomic clocks and are used in scientific research.
  • Application: It is used in many applications that require precise timing, such as:
  • GPS systems and scientific research navigation
  • emergency responses, and military operations


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