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23rd July 2024 (9 Topics)

Regulating gig-based work


The Karnataka government’s recent intent to introduce legislation for the welfare of gig workers is a necessary step to overcome the challenges to boost gig-economy in India.

What is Gig Economy?

  • As per the World Economic Forum (WEF), gig economy is defined by its focus on workforce participation and income generation via “gigs”, single projects or tasks for which a worker is hired.
  • Gig economy includes all platformsthat hire independent workers across sectors like e-commerce, technology, food & beverages, home services among others.
  • Gig workers are typically hired by companies on a contractual basisand are not considered employees. They do not receive some of the benefits that on-roll staffs do.
  • Classification: Gig workers can be broadly classified into:
  • Platform workers: Those whose work is based on online software apps or digital platforms such as food aggregator platforms Zomato, Swiggy, Ola, and others.
  • Non-platform-based workers: Casual wage and own-account workers in conventional sectors, engaged part-time or full-time.

Benefits of Gig Economy:

  • For Workers: Gig economy can provide more flexibility, autonomy, income opportunities, skill development, and inclusion.
  • For Employers: It can enable access to a large and diverse pool of talent, lower fixed costs, higher scalability, and better customer satisfaction.
  • For Customers: It can offer more choice, convenience, quality, and affordability.

Current trend in the Indian Economy-

  • about 47% of gig work is in medium skilled jobs
  • about 22% in high skilled
  • about 31% in low skilled jobs

The trend shows the concentration of workers in medium skills is gradually declining and that of the low skilled and high skilled is increasing.

Expected trend:
  • While in 2020-21, the gig workforce constituted 2.6% of the non-agricultural workforce or 1.5% of the total workforce in India, by 2029-30, gig workers are expected to form 6.7% of the non-agricultural workforce or 4.1% of the total livelihood workforce in India.
Why there is a need to regulate Gig- Economy?
  • Due to non-permanent in nature: These jobs mainly have temporary contracts typically come with less protection, fewer benefits and pecuniary discounts.
  • To bring gig-workers under Employment benefits protocol: The workers are mostly left out of the traditional social protection systems such as unemployment benefits, sick pay and pensions.
  • Insurance and financial aids: Most transactions on the gig economy are done via the internet and as such they can be tracked. These companies do need to contribute to insurance and other social contributions.
  • To reduce inequality of Income: Due to the increasingly complex supply chains and sub-contracting of gig jobs, make it hard to enforce protections. But without doing so we will not be able to combat the increasing levels of inequality.
Existing Laws and regulations:
  • Code on Wages, 2019: A universal minimum wage and floor wage should be provided to all organized and unorganized sectors, including gig workers.
  • Code on Social Security 2020: Under this, gig workers are provided with recognition as a new occupational category.

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