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23rd July 2024 (9 Topics)

Women-led Growth Model in India


Recently, the Chief Economic Advisor (CEA) has mentioned about the218.8% increase in budgetary allocation for schemes for the welfare and empowerment of women and even acknowledged that women in India face the “’motherhood penalty” with a drop-in female labour force participation rate around childbearing years.

About the move:

  • As announced in the budgetary discussion, the central government is going to increase the gender budgeting up to5% of the GDP, in the financial year 2025.
  • The step will enhance the stability of the women-led development model and increase fund allocation for Gender budgeting.

What is Gender Budgeting?

  • Gender Budgeting is a powerful tool for achieving gender mainstreaming to ensure that the benefits of development reach women as much as men.
  • The rationale for gender budgeting arises from recognition of the fact that national budgets impact men and women differently through the pattern of resource allocation.
  • Women constitute 48% of India’s population
  • , but they lag behind men on many social indicators like health, education, economic opportunities, etc. thus, gender budgeting is important.

Gender budgeting status in India:

  • Gender Budget Statement was first introduced in Budget 2005-06. Various ministries and department provide information to finance ministry based on which Gender Budget Statement is prepared.
  • This helps to monitor expenditure and public service delivery from a gender perspective, as a means of mainstreaming women’s concerns in all activities and improving their access to public resources.
  • Also, it was instructed to all the ministries and departments, to open the Gender Budgeting Cell (GBC).
Issues with Gender Budgeting in India:
  • India's gender Budget remains in the range of 4 - 6% of the total expenditure and less than 1% of its GDP. It also lacks fiscal marksmanship, which is the accuracy of budgetary forecasting.
  • Around 90% of gender budgeting is concentrated in five ministries. When it comes to livelihood, MGNREGA is the biggest scheme in gender budgeting.
  • Areas like transportation, water collection and water security remain ignored.
  • The last Budget failed to address critical areas highlighted by the pandemic in 2021-22 and 2022-23, despite the disproportionate impact of Covid-19 on women.
Measures to bring care economy in monetized economy
  • Recognize unpaid Work: Recognizing the economic value of unpaid care work.
  • Equal Pay for Equal Work: Irrespective of whether it falls under the care or monetized economy.
  • Social Protection Measures: Implementing policies like paid parental leave, Work from home (WFH) culture, subsidized healthcare, and pensions, which support women in their dual roles as caregivers and workers.
  • Supporting Women's Employment: Providing opportunities to participate in the formal labor force through skill development, training, education, and policies that enable work-family balance.
  • Promoting Women's Entrepreneurship: Encouraging and supporting women to start and grow businesses, especially in sectors related to care services.Income-Generating Activities through Self-Help Groups.

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