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23rd July 2024 (9 Topics)

Shock-proof state

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The Recent software glitch caused global service outages, highlighted technology dependence and the need for robust failsafes and digital infrastructure resilience.

Impact of Software Glitch

  • Global Blackout: A common software glitch caused simultaneous outages in supermarkets, banks, hospitals, and airports impacting worldwide interconnected communication networks.The glitch served as a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities within the technological infrastructure, particularly in sectors that compete in the global market but adopt new technologies in a fragmented manner.
  • Sectoral Disparities: Sectors like airlines can face monetary losses, while healthcare and power facilities facecritical disruptions.
  • Importance of Failsafes: States must ensure digital infrastructure is shock-proof, accounting for social and economic interlinks.Emphasizes the need for failsafes and emergency protocols in technology-dependent sectors.Focus must be on the significance of network interconnections and the implementation of life-saving redundancies.

Digital Infrastructure and Governance

  • 'Digital India' Push: Advocates for a 'Digital India' initiative aware of software privacy and data sovereignty.This initiative should recognize the importance of software privacy, data sovereignty, and the challenges posed by income inequality and political marginalization.
  • Open-Source Software: Suggests open-source software and integrity testing to restore public trust in electronic systems.The state has a duty to develop and maintain a resilient democratic digital infrastructure that can withstand such shocks.
  • Multi-Vendor Policies: Recommends moving away from single-vendor policies to maintain essential service links during outages.Theseoutages present an opportunity to reassess and improve the software solutions used by public sector institutions, incorporating redundancies and moving away from single-vendor dependencies to maintain essential service links during network-level outages.

Mains Question

Q. Discuss the implications of software glitches on global service sectors. How can governmentensure a resilient and shock-proof digital ecosystem? Illustrate with examples.


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