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18th April 2022 (6 Topics)

Rules in Rajasthan for keeping cows or Buffaloes


The Rajasthan government has announced that a yearly license and a 100 square yard will now be mandatory for keeping cows or buffalos at homes that fall in the urban areas of the state.

  • A fine of ?10,000 will be imposed on the owners if the animals are found straying.


Key Highlights

  • The state has makes licenses mandatory for keeping cows at home in urban areas.
  • The state government will implement the new directive in all areas under municipal corporations and councils.
  • Only a cow and a calf will be allowed to keep in a house without the license and the cattle should have a separate designated area.

What includes a cattle rearing in India?

  • Since the time immemorial, animals have been an integral part of our food. They have been used to obtain food like milk, eggs, meat, etc. Other than the food, we use them even for some basic requirements like wool, silk, labour, etc.
  • Animal husbandry includes cattle farming, poultry farming, fisheries, apiculture, etc.

Cattle farming

The Cattle farming involves rearing and management of two types of animals-

  • One group for food requirements like milk and another for labour purposes like ploughing, irrigation, etc. 
  • And the animals which provide milk are called Milch/dairy animals. For example, goats, buffalo, cows, etc. Animals which are used for labour are called draught animals.
  • Dairy farm management is the management of the milch animals with the goal of enhancing the quantity and quality of the milk produced.
  • For this reason, high yielding and disease-resistant breeds are developed.

How to get a license

  • The applicant need to submit details for the proposed space to keep the cattle along with proper sanitation and a ?1,000 will be charged as an annual license fee.
  • The animals will now be required to be tagged with the name and number of the owner.
  • Also, a fine of ?500 will be imposed if there is any compromise in the sanitation of the place where the cattle are kept and also the cow dung needs to be disposed of outside the municipal area.
  • ?500 fine will be slapped if fodder is sold without a license.


  • Improving Gaushalas: Improving the gaushala (cow shelter) economy, Niti Aayog is working on a roadmap to enable commercial use of cow dung for multiple purposes, and resolve various issues connected with stray cows which often become liability for farmers.
  • Sensitizing Animal care: cattle rearing should not be only a cattle gain economy for its products, but should also generate animal love among the society and awareness for its importance for human survival.

Other related provisions

  • The Gujarat Cattle Control (Keeping and Moving) In Urban Areas Bill, requires cattle-rearers to obtain a licence to keep such animals in cities and towns, failing which they may face imprisonment.

The Uttar Pradesh government initiative to develop cow sanctuaries in the rural areas.

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