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22nd September 2023 (9 Topics)

U.N.’s Climate Ambition Summit (CAS)


The Climate Ambition Summit (CAS) has been conducted at the United Nations General Assembly which China, United States and India failed to participate.

About the Summit:

  • Participants: Representatives from 34 states and 7 institutions were participated on the summit.
    • Countries including Sri Lanka, Nepal and Pakistan were among the listed speakers and emerging economies such as South Africa and Brazil were also on the list.
    • The European Union, Germany, France and Canada were also participated.
  • The criteria for countries to be considered for a speaking slot at the summit were:
    • They would be expected to present updated pre-2030 Nationally Determined Contributions (as agreed in Glasgow);
    • Updated net-zero targets;
    • Energy transition plans with commitments to no new coal, oil and gas;
    • Fossil fuel phase-out plans;
    • More ambitious renewable energy targets;
    • Green Climate Fund pledges; and economy-wide plans on adaptation and resilience.
  • All the “main emitters” and notably all G-20 governments would be asked to commit to presenting, by 2025, more ambitious economy-wide Nationally Determined Contributions featuring absolute emissions cuts and covering all gases.

India’s commitments:

  • India last updated its climate pledges in 2022 of reducing emissions intensity — or the volume of emissions per unit of gross domestic product (GDP) — by 45% from 2005 levels by 2030, a 10% increase from what it agreed to in 2015.
  • The government committed to meet 50% of its electric power needs from renewable, non-fossil fuel energy sources — up from 40% committed at the Paris agreement.
  • It assured to create an additional carbon sink of 5 to 3bn tonnes of CO2-equivalent [GtCO2e] through additional forest and tree cover by 2030.

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