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28th June 2024 (15 Topics)

Borneo Elephant (Elephas maximus borneensis)


The elephants of Sabah in Malaysian Borneo and Kalimantan in the Indonesian part of the island, have been classified as ‘Endangered’ on the IUCN or International Union of Conservation of Nature’s Red List.


  • The smallest Asian elephant subspecies, Bornean elephants are distinctly smaller than their mainland cousins.
  • They have long tails that sometimes touch the ground, relatively large ears, and straighter tusks.
  • While Borneo elephants are smaller in size than their African counterparts, at 8.2-9.8 feet tall, the Bornean elephant is the largest mammal on the island.
  • More than half of the animals’ forest habitat (60 per cent) has been lost in the last four decades, mainly due to logging and the widespread planting of commercial oil palm.

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