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2-Day Bootcamp on Essay Writing
2nd August 2024 (11 Topics)


Cloudbursts hit various locations in Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand, leading to casualties.

What is Cloudburst?

  • A cloudburst is a sudden, intense localised rainfall where more than 100 millimetres of rain falls in an hour, often causing flash floods.
  • The phenomenon responsible is called ‘orographic lift’. Warm air currents push rain-ready clouds upwards. As they rise, water droplets grow larger and new ones form.
  • These dense clouds eventually burst, releasing torrential rain over a small area. This can quickly cause water bodies to overflow.
  • Cloudbursts are more common in mountainous regions because the terrain causes moisture-laden air to rise quickly along mountain slopes.
  • Prediction: A doppler-radar system is ideal for predicting cloudbursts. After the 2013 calamity, there were calls to equip monitoring stations in cloudburst-prone areas with this technology.

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