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22nd July 2024 (10 Topics)

Focus on Female Employment to Counter Unemployment

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Recent studies and empirical data focusing on rural and urban dynamics, traditional occupations, and policy interventions showsthe evolving landscape of women's employment in India. Most importantly, it focuses on female employment to counter unemployment.

Trends in Female Labor Force Participation Rate (LFPR)

  • Rural-Urban Disparities in LFPR: The female LFPR in India has shown contrasting trends between rural and urban areas. While rural female LFPR rose significantly by 12% from 2018 to 2022, indicating a shift towards economic participation, urban areas saw a more modest increase, suggesting limited opportunities outside traditional roles.
  • Impact of Traditional Occupations: Many women prefer traditional occupations like bandhani and embroidery due to flexibility and the ability to work from home. This choice is influenced by societal norms and the perceived security of these roles, despite lower incomes compared to other opportunities.
  • Role of Policy and Self-Help Groups (SHGs): Initiatives like SHGs and federations have supported women in traditional occupations by providing skill training and market linkages. These efforts aim to enhance earnings and empower women economically within their local contexts.

Challenges and Opportunities

  • Barriers in Urban Employment: Urban areas present challenges such as limited gainful employment options for women outside traditional roles. This is compounded by gendered expectations and access to capital, which restricts entrepreneurial ventures among women.
  • Need for Comprehensive Policies: Public policy should focus on enhancing women's access to resources like water and markets in rural areas to support agriculture and allied activities. In urban settings, mandated facilities like toilets and crèches in workplaces are crucial to improve working conditions.
  • Economic Empowerment and Family Welfare: Women's economic participation not only contributes to family income but also enhances their status within the household. Studies have shown that women's earnings increase resilience during economic downturns, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

Policy Recommendations and Future Outlook

  • Collectivization and Market Access: Collective efforts through SHGs and federations can amplify the impact of economic interventions for women. These platforms enable collective bargaining, skill development, and access to larger markets, thereby enhancing economic outcomes.
  • Creating Enabling Environments: Developing a conducive work environment with safety measures and essential facilities is critical to encourage more women to enter and stay in the workforce. This includes provisions for safe workplaces, adequate sanitation facilities, and childcare support.
Mains Question:

Discuss the trends and challenges in enhancing female labor force participation in India. Analyze the role of traditional occupations, policy interventions, and urban-rural dynamics in shaping women's economic empowerment.


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