What's New :
22nd July 2024 (10 Topics)

Kerala releases guidelines on Amoebic Meningoencephalitis


The Health Department of Kerala has issued special guidelines for Amoebic Meningoencephalitis after three deaths and two infections among children in the state, marking the first such technical release for the disease in India.

About Amoebic Meningoencephalitis

  • Amoebic Meningoencephalitis is caused by NaegleriaFowleri, a free-living amoeba found in warm freshwater sources.
  • The infection occurs when contaminated water enters the body through the nose and travels to the brain.
  • It is a rare disease, infecting approximately one in 26 lakh people who come into contact with contaminated water.
  • The disease primarily affects children and young people, mostly in their early to mid-20s, during warmer months.
  • Symptoms include severe headache, fever, nausea, vomiting, and neck stiffness, appearing within nine days of infection.
  • Diagnosis involves a PCR test of spinal cord fluid, distinguishing it from bacterial meningitis.
  • Treatment involves a combination of five drugs effective against amoebas.
  • Preventive Measures:
    • Avoid diving or jumping into stagnant freshwater.
    • Use nose plugs or pinch the nose shut when in contact with freshwater.
    • Keep the head above water while swimming.
    • Use boiled, filtered, or sterile water for nasal irrigation.
    • Maintain cleanliness and proper chlorination in swimming pools and water bodies.



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