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25th July 2024 (10 Topics)

Genetically Modified Mustard (DMH-11)


A two-judge Bench of the Supreme Court recently delivered a split verdict on whether to allow the environmental release of GM mustard, highlighting ongoing deliberations and concerns surrounding its adoption and impact in India.

About Genetically Modified Mustard (GM Mustard (DMH-11))

  • In 2022, the Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC) recommended the environmental release of genetically-modified (GM) mustard variety DMH-11.
  • This variety, known as Dhara Mustard Hybrid-11, has been developed using the 'barstar-barnase' system to make it herbicide-resistant and improve yields.
  • Benefits of DMH-11:
    • DMH-11 has demonstrated the potential to increase yields by about 30% compared to traditional varieties.
    • Existing mustard varieties yield around 1,000-1,200 kilograms per hectare, while global averages reach 2,000-2,200 kilograms per hectare.
  • Mustard Cultivation in India: Mustard (Brassica juncea) is a crucial winter crop in India, cultivated across approximately 6.5-7 million hectares primarily in states like Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab, and Madhya Pradesh.

Fact Box:

What are GM Crops?

  • Genetically-modified (GM) crops are plants whose DNA has been altered using genetic engineering techniques to introduce desirable traits that do not naturally occur. These traits can enhance resistance to pests, diseases, or herbicides, and improve crop yields.
  • GM Crops in India:
    • India permits the import of GM soybean and canola oil.
    • Bacillus thuringiensis cotton (Bt cotton) is the only GM crop approved for cultivation in India.
    • For other GM seeds, India had maintained stringent regulations until recent developments.
  • Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC)
    • The Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC) operates under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change and is responsible for evaluating and permitting the commercial release of GM crops in India.
    • It is mandated by the Environment Protection Act 1986.

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