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25th July 2024 (10 Topics)

Transfer technology for detection of tuberculosis (TB)


The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has initiated efforts to introduce an affordable, rapid, and user-friendly testing technology for detecting tuberculosis (TB). This move comes in response to the staggering toll of TB in India, which claims an estimated 480,000 lives annually.

About the Technology

  • ICMR has developed a pioneering TB detection system based on CRISPR Cas technology.
  • This system, considered the world’s most economical for TB testing, utilizes DNA from saliva samples.
  • It can identify TB bacteria early and process over 1,500 samples simultaneously in about two hours, making it suitable even for primary health centers in rural areas.
  • Challenges in TB Diagnosis: India faces challenges in TB diagnosis, with a significant number of cases going unreported or inadequately treated, especially in the private sector.

About Tuberculosis (TB)

  • TB is caused by a bacterium known as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which belongs to a family of around 200 bacteria species called Mycobacteriaceae.
  • Types of TB: TB primarily affects the lungs (pulmonary TB) in humans. However, it can also affect other organs (extra-pulmonary TB).
  • Historical Context: TB is an ancient disease, with evidence of its existence dating back to 3000 BC in Egypt.
  • Treatability: TB is treatable and curable with appropriate medication and management.
  • Transmission: TB spreads from person to person through the air. When individuals with lung TB cough, sneeze, or spit, they release TB germs into the air, which can be inhaled by others.
  • Treatment:Current biomedical strategies to reduce new infections include the
    • BCG vaccine, which protects against severe forms of childhood TB
    • Tuberculosis preventive treatment (TPT) which aims to cover other household contacts, clinical-risk groups apart from children younger than five years and household contacts with HIV
    • Effective rifamycin-based regimes

World TB Report 2023

  • According to the World TB Report 2023, India recorded an average of 199 new infections in every 100,000 people in 2022.
  • An estimated 13% of treated patients and 2.5% of new cases were multi-drug resistant or resistant to the first-line drug rifampicin.
  • Nearly 400,000 people die of TB each year in the country. 

National and international initiatives:

  • National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP)
  • National Strategic Plan (NSP) for Tuberculosis Elimination (2017-2025)
  • TB HaregaDeshJeetega Campaign
  • TB Free India Campaign
  • Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP)
  • International Union Against
  • Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union)
  • The country aims to accelerate efforts to reduce TB morbidity and mortality, with a target to eliminate TB by 2025.

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