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18th July 2024 (13 Topics)



Supreme Court Judge raises concerns about Sutlej being reduced to a rivulet due to constructions.


  • The Sutlej River originates from Lake Rakshastal in Tibet, near Mount Kailash. It traverses through the Himalayas, entering India through the Shipki La pass in Himachal Pradesh, and finally merges with the Chenab River in Pakistan to form the Panjnad River, which eventually joins the Indus River.
  • It is also known as
  • Sutlej is an antecedent river, which existed before the Himalayas and entrenched itself while they were rising.
  • The main tributary in India are Ravi and Beas.
  • Irrigation: Supports extensive irrigation systems in Punjab, including the Sutlej-Yamuna Link Canal, Sirhind Canal, Bhakra Main Line and the Rajasthan canal.

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