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18th July 2024 (13 Topics)

The problems with sub-caste reservations

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The Supreme Court is deliberating on the issue of sub-caste reservations for SC/STs, which must be justified both legally and academically. The basis for sub-caste reservations is debated due to the lack of strong academic support. Existing policy instruments focus on legal safeguards, reservations, and economic empowerment.

Historical Perspective on Reservation Policy:

  • Ambedkar's Vision: B.R. Ambedkar proposed three complementary policy measures: legal safeguards, reservations, and economic/educational empowerment for untouchables as a whole.
  • Policy Interconnection: These measures were designed to work together, addressing present discrimination and past denials of rights.
  • Group vs. Individual Focus: Reservations were intended for untouchables as a social group, while economic empowerment targeted individuals lacking capital assets and education.

Challenges of Sub-Caste Reservations:

  • Underlying Causes: Under-representation of certain sub-castes in jobs may be due to lack of education and capital assets rather than discrimination by other sub-castes.
  • Ineffective Solution: Implementing sub-caste reservations without addressing underlying economic and educational disparities may not improve outcomes for disadvantaged groups.
  • Potential Consequences: Sub-caste reservations could lead to demands from thousands of sub-castes/tribes across SC/ST/OBC categories, potentially recreating a caste-like hierarchy within the reservation system.

Alternative Approaches:

  • Asset and Education Focus: Improving ownership of capital assets and education levels for disadvantaged individuals within SC communities may be more effective than sub-caste quotas.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Any consideration of sub-caste reservations should be based on factual data regarding the causes of under-representation.
  • Balancing Legal and Social Realities: Legal authorities must consider both discrimination and capability factors when addressing under-representation issues.
UPSC Mains Questions:

Q. Critically examine the proposal for sub-caste reservations within the SC/ST categories. How might this impact the original intent of the reservation policy as envisioned by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar?


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