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DATA STORY : National e-Governance Service Delivery Assessment (NeSDA) 2021

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Published: 9th Jul, 2022

The Digital India programme is a flagship programme of the Government of India with a vision to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. Developing digital infrastructure and offering digital services that can bridge the digital divide and lead to inclusive growth and empowerment of every citizen is the essence of Digital India.

To encourage innovation and progress for government services in the country, there is a need to assess and benchmark e-Governance service delivery across the Central, State and UT governments. Towards this goal, DARPG has entrusted NASSCOM to formulate a framework and conduct a study to assess the State, Union Territory and Central Ministries with regards to their delivery of e-Governance services. The National e-Governance Service Delivery Assessment (NeSDA) Study, the first of its kind benchmark exercise was undertaken in 2018-19 and the NeSDA Report 2019 was released during the 23rd National Conference on e-Governance in February 2020. The overall objective of the NeSDA study is to assess the State, UT and Central Ministries on the depth and effectiveness of e-Governance service delivery.

In 2021, the NeSDA framework covered G2C and G2B services across seven sectors, viz., Finance, Labour & Employment, Education, Local Governance & Utility Services, Social Welfare (including Health, Agriculture & Home Security), Environment (including Fire) and Tourism sectors. A total of 56 mandatory services were assessed for every State & UT and 27 services were assessed for Central Ministries.

The NeSDA framework has assessed all the State / UT / Central Ministry Portals on four key parameters, namely Accessibility, Content Availability, Ease of Use, and Information Security & Privacy. The Services Portals have been assessed on an additional three parameters viz. End-service Delivery, Integrated Service Delivery, and Status & Request Tracking. 

In the NeSDA 2021 study, 1400 services across all States and UTs were evaluated, an increase of over 60% from that in 2019. In 2021, Punjab and Tamil Nadu are the leading States providing all 56 mandatory services online. This shows a clear trend towards digital government and digital governance.

This data story aims to highlight key takeaways from the National e-Governance Service Delivery Assessment (NeSDA) 2021 Report.

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