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3rd March 2025 (12 Topics)

Battling the Bulging Waistlines

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India is facing an obesity epidemic, with one in eight people being overweight, as per NFHS-5 (2019-21). In response, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched a nationwide awareness campaign, enlisting ten prominent figures from various fields to promote healthy lifestyles and combat obesity.

Alarming Obesity Trends in India

  • Rising Obesity Rates: NFHS-5 data shows 24% of women and 22.9% of men in India are obese, with abdominal obesity affecting 40% of women and 12% of men.
  • Rapid Growth Over Time: Between 1990 and 2023, the number of obese individuals surged from 3.5 million to 70 million in India.
  • Projected Economic Burden: By 2035, obesity-related health issues could cost 1.8% of India’s GDP, according to the World Obesity Atlas 2023.

Causes Behind the Obesity Crisis

  • Sedentary Lifestyles: Increased screen time, reduced physical activity, and changing work patterns contribute to obesity.
  • Unhealthy Diets: Consumption of junk food, processed items, and excessive oil is a major factor behind rising obesity rates.
  • Lack of Awareness & Policy Gaps: There is no comprehensive national strategy to tackle obesity, leading to unchecked growth in obesity-related diseases.

Need for a Multi-Level Response

  • Celebrity-Led Awareness Campaigns: Influencers from film, sports, business, and politics can effectively advocate for healthy living.
  • National Action Plans & Policy Changes: Taxation on junk food, mandatory food labeling, and school-based fitness programs are critical measures.
  • Community-Based Interventions: Encouraging physical activity, dietary shifts, and medical support at the grassroots level is essential.
Practice Question

Q: The rising obesity levels in India pose a serious public health and economic challenge. Critically evaluate the factors behind the obesity crisis and suggest measures for its effective mitigation.


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