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DATA STORY : Export Preparedness Index

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Published: 2nd May, 2022

NITI Aayog, in partnership with the Institute of Competitiveness, has published the Export Preparedness Index. The Export Preparedness Index (EPI) aims to examine the export performance and the export readiness of the states and union territories. The idea behind the index is to create a benchmark to rank these states and UTs to help them individually promote a conducive export environment in the region. An index is an essential tool for policymakers and exporters to identify the drivers and obstacles, and examine the same to strategize a viable export map for the state.

The EPI ranks states and UTs on 4 main pillars—

  • Policy: A comprehensive trade policy provides a strategic direction for exports and imports.
  • Business Ecosystem: An efficient business ecosystem can help attract investments and create an enabling infrastructure for businesses to grow.
  • Export Ecosystem: This pillar aims to assess the business environment, which is specific to exports.
  • Export Performance: This is the only output-based pillar and examines the reach of export footprints of states and union territories.

The EPI’s primary goal is to in-still competition among all Indian states (‘Coastal’, ‘Landlocked’, ‘Himalayan’, and ‘UTs/City-States’) to bring about favourable export-promotion policies, ease the regulatory framework to prompt subnational export promotion, create the necessary infrastructure for exports, and assist in identifying strategic recommendations for improving export competitiveness. It promotes competitive federalism and a fair contest among States/UTs. The index can be a valuable tool for the government and policymakers in encouraging healthy competition among states and UTs, hence enhancing India’s standing in the global export market.

India has shown remarkable resistance to the obstacles created by the pandemic in global trade and India has achieved new heights in terms of export in the financial year 2021-22. In light of this, the Second Edition of Export Preparedness Index 2021 offers a comprehensive analysis of India’s export milieu with new indicators that have been added that provide a robust picture to this edition. The report is also an attempt to capture the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and recovery from it in terms of exports.

This data story aims to highlight NITI Aayog’s Export Preparedness Index (EPI).


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