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Data Story : Global Gender Gap Report 2021

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Published: 16th Dec, 2021

India has fallen 28 places in the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Global Gender Gap Report 2021. India ranks 140 among 156 countries.

Key Findings:

  • According to the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report 2021; India ranks 140 of 156 countries.
  • The gender gap in the political sphere remains the largest: Women occupy only 26.1 percent of the 35,500 parliament seats throughout the world.
  • In terms of education attainment, India’s rank stands at 114. 
  • The two indices where India fared the worst however are the health and survival sub index, with rank of 155 (a spot ahead of China), and the economic participation of women.

 Country Wise Performance:

  • India has fallen 28 places, making it one of the worst performers in South Asia, behind Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and Myanmar.

Region Wise Performance:

  • South Asia, in itself, is one of the worst-performing regions, followed by the Middle East and northern Africa.

Steps Taken:

  • Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme Objective:
    • To prevent gender biased sex selective elimination
    • To ensure survival and protection of the girl child
    • To ensure education and participation of the girl child
  • Swadhar and Short Stay Homes provide relief and rehabilitation to destitute women and women in distress.Working Women Hostels for ensuring safe accommodation for working women away from their place of residence.
  • Support to Training and Employment Program for Women (STEP) to ensure sustainable employment and income generation for marginalised and asset-less rural and urban poor women across the country.
  • Rashtriya Mahila Kosh (RMK) provides microfinance services to bring about the socio-economic upliftment of poor women.
  • National Mission for Empowerment of Women (NMEW) to strengthen the overall processes that promote all-round Development of Women.

Suggestive Measures:

  • Creating Mass Awareness: Changing the value of girls has to include men, women and boys. It has to mobilize many sectors in society. Only when society’s perception changes, will the rights of all the girls and all the boys in India be fulfilled.
  • Empowering girls requires focused investment and collaboration. Providing girls with the services and safety, education and skills they need in daily life can reduce the risks they face and enable them to fully develop and contribute to India’s growth.

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