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23rd May 2024 (15 Topics)

World Hydrogen Summit 2024


At the World Hydrogen Summit 2024 in Rotterdam, Netherlands, India highlighted its strategic vision and capabilities in the domain of renewable energy and green hydrogen production.

What is green hydrogen energy?

  • Hydrogen, the simplest and most abundant element in the universe, holds immense potential as a clean energy source.
  • Hydrogen is a clean alternative to methane, also known as natural gas.It's the most abundant chemical element, estimated to contribute 75% of the mass of the universe.
  • When burned, hydrogen produces energy in the form of heat, with water as its only by-product. This process generates no carbon dioxide emissions, offering a promising solution to reduce carbon emissions and combat global warming.
  • Green Hydrogen: Green hydrogen is produced via a method called electrolysis, a highly energy-intensive process that employs electricity to separate water molecules into their component parts (hydrogen and oxygen molecules).


  • Focus on non-fossil fuel: 43 per cent of India’s current installed electricity capacity is from non-fossil-fuel sources, with projections indicating a rise to 50 per cent by 2030.
  • National Green Hydrogen Mission: It is a flagship initiative to foster the development and adoption of green hydrogen technologies in India. With a target of establishing 5 million tonnes of annual green hydrogen production capacity by 2030, the mission represents a significant step towards realising India’s ambitions in the hydrogen economy.
  • Strategic Interventions for Green Hydrogen Transition (SIGHT) Programme.
  • FDI: The renewable energy sector allows up to 100 percent FDI under the automatic route.


Q: With reference to green hydrogen, consider the following statements: (2023)

  1. It can be used directly as a fuel for internal combustion.
  2. It can be blended with natural gas and used as fuel for heat or power generation.
  3. It can be used in the hydrogen fuel cell to run vehicles.

How many of the above statements are correct?

  1. Only one
  2. Only two
  3. All three
  4. None

Solution: (c)

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