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22nd March 2025 (35 Topics)

Mangroves Conservation


Tamil Nadu’s mangrove forest cover has nearly doubled in just a few years, growing from 4,500 hectares in 2021 to 9,039 hectares in 2024. This increase is due to both new plantations and conservation efforts aimed at protecting existing mangroves. A recent report by Anna University’s Centre for Climate Change and Disaster Management highlights this expansion and its impact on carbon storage, climate resilience, and biodiversity.

What are Mangroves?

  • Mangroves are tropical treesthat thrive in conditions most timber could never tolerate — salty, coastal waters, and the interminable ebb and flow of the tide.
  • Mangrove forests only grow at tropical and subtropical latitudes near the equator because they cannot withstand freezing temperatures.
  • Over 50% of India’s mangrove ecosystems are classified as vulnerable, endangered, or critically endangered, with South India’s mangroves now labeled “critically endangered” by the IUCN
    • Major threats include aquaculture expansion, urbanization, and reduced freshwater flow due to upstream activities like dam construction and water diversion.
  • India has lost approximately 7.43 sq km of mangrove cover since 2021, with states like Gujarat and the Andaman & Nicobar Islands experiencing significant declines.
  • Significance of Mangroves:
    • Mangrove forests stabilize the coastline, reducing erosion from storm surges, currents, waves, and tides.
    • They have the ability to store vast amounts of carbon, thus, they are key weapons in the fight against climate change. 
    • The intricate root system of mangrovesalso makes these forests attractive to fish and other organisms seeking food and shelter from predators.

Mangroves in India:

  • India's total mangrove cover stands at 4,991.68 km2, making up 0.15% of the country's total geographical area as per India State of Forest Report 2023 ((ISFR-2023).
  • West Bengal has the highest mangrove coverage, accounting for 42.45%, followed by Gujarat at 23.66% and the Andaman & Nicobar Islands at 12.39%.
  • The mangrove cover in Gujarat has increased by 253.06 km² between 2001 and 2023, as per ISFR-2023.
  • India has about 3% of the total Mangrove cover in South Asia.
  • Major Mangroves forests in India
  • Sundarbans Mangrove Forest, West Bengal 
  •  Bhitarkanika Mangroves, Odisha
  • Godavari-Krishna Mangroves, Andhra Pradesh 
  • Gulf of Kutch Mangroves, Gujarat
  • Mangroves of Thane Creek, Maharashtra
  • Pichavaram Mangroves, Tamil Nadu
  • Chorao Island Mangroves, Goa
  • Baratang Island Mangroves, Andaman

Schemes/Initiatives to conserve Mangroves

  • MISHTI Scheme: Union Budget 2023-24 announced ‘Mangrove Initiative for Shoreline Habitats & Tangible Incomes (MISHTI)’ to promote and conserve mangroves as unique, natural eco-system having very high biological productivity and carbon sequestration potential, besides working as a bio shield.
  • International Day for Conservation of Mangrove Ecosystems: 26 July, is marked as the International Day for Conservation of Mangrove Ecosystems as declared by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 2015.  
  • Regulatory measures
  • Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Notification (2019) under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
  • the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972
  • the Indian Forest Act, 1927
  • the Biological Diversity Act, 2002

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