Test series play a very important role in the preparation of Civil Services Examination. Test series is considered as one the important component that will define the aspirant’s capabilities and way forward approach to deal with different segments of civil services examination.

Importance of Test Series for Prelims
Assessment Tool:
- Prelims Test series serve as an important self-assessment tool for all who aim at cracking the UPSC exam successfully and join the Civil Services. Aspirants should realize the importance of test series for the UPSC exam as sooner a candidate begins to assess himself by means of the test series for the UPSC exam, the better is the scope for him to prepare well for the exam.
- Test Series also helps aspirants to identify their strength and weakness so that they can work accordingly to magnify their chances of the selection. Although the pattern of assessing student’s capabilities is different for different stages of the examination but, the basic crux idea fixed at all stages is the picking eligible aspirants from group. So, students should look to avoid committing mistakes as less as they can. Also, when anybody talks of assessing himself, he clearly thinks in terms of optimizing his strengths as well and enhancing them to the greatest extent possible.
Maximizing Score:
- One of the most important aspect that aspirants should keep in mind is; how they can improve their marks of Prelims so that they can feel confident about themselves to be in merit list after prelims paper and thereby they can start their preparation of Mains Examination.
- In order to aim score well and rank high, aspirants should know how to safeguard their score against negative marking by choosing answers correctly. Prelims marks can be improved by many fold, if aspirants are attempting mock test on regular basis.
Analysing the Question Pattern:
- Aspirants can analyse question-asking pattern in the examination by appearing in the prelims test series. Analysing the question paper of previous year question paper help aspirants in identifying the areas from which UPSC and is asking questions and how questions are being asked?
- It is better to find at this stage if your preparation for the UPSC exam lacks in anything. Now, while preparing for the exam, even if you do not score well or do not rank high when the test series for UPSC exam is evaluated, it would help you perform at your best later in the UPSC exam.
Prepare for Exam Like Environment:
- Aspirants can learn different thing by appearing for prelims examination. As students appearing for prelims examination feel pinch of heat and stress during due to stress as a result they choke down. By practicing mock test for prelims examination, they can learn plethora of things as aspirants who are incredibly talented and knowledgeable but have still failed to crack the civil services exam. The answer lies mostly in their lack of practice. Being tested in an exam-like environment gives an accurate picture of how it is going to be on the D-day.
Feeling Confident:
- Scoring well in a mock test gives you a sense of achievement which will definitely boost your confidence level. When aspirant clear their concepts, they will have more faith in themselves. According to some research, most people perform their best when under pressure. This helps you learn faster and absorb the concepts better.
There is no iota of doubt that, Civil Services examination is one of the toughest examination in India. Aspirants should look to identify their working pattern and their approach building concept related to the subject matter to deal with different Gamut of the examination. As this examination is tough, so aspirants should not let the foot off the accelerator at any point of time and should look to cover all segments of the examination by emphasising equally on all the subjects.