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Economy (Economy (Prelims))


  • History
  • Geography
  • Indian Society
  • Polity & Governance
  • International Relations
  • Economy
  • Science & Technology
  • Environment
  • Internal Security
  • Ethics
  • Basic Concepts

    • Macroeconomic Concepts
      • Meaning of Economics                         
      • Types of Economies
      • Sectors of an Economy                         
      • Other Sectors of Economy??
    • Microeconomic Concepts

    Economic Measurements

    • National Income Concepts and Methods of Calculation
      • National Income                                     
      • Real National Income                           
      • Calculating National Income  
      • Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF)        
      • National?Organizations?Related to National Income Accounts?
      • Latest India’s National Income Estimates
      • New Series of National Statistics (Base Year 2011-12)
      • Annual Estimates of Expenditures on GDP
      • Per Capita Income
      • Purchasing Power Parity
      • Lorenz Curve                                           
      • Philip’s Curve
      • Gini Coefficient
    • ?Inflation
      • Concepts and Types of Inflation
      • Causes of Inflation                                
      • Effects of Inflation                                
      • Measures of Inflation                            
        • WPI, CPI
        • Producer Price Index
        • GDP Deflator
        • Core Inflation
      • Change in Reporting of Inflation        
      • Measures to Check Inflation??
        • Fiscal Measures
        • Administrative Measures
        • Monentary Measures             
      • Economic Growth and Development
        • Economic Growth                                   
        • Economic Development                        
        • Measurement of Economic Development   
        • Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI)          
        • Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)     
        • Different Levels of Economic Development               
        • Economy and Environment?
        • Environment?Taxes                                
          • Carbon Tax
          • Green Accounting
        • 12th Five Year Plan and Sustainability?

    Money and Banking

    • Money Function and Classification
      • Money Concept
      • Measures of Money Supply in India  
      • Indian currency system
      • Broad and Narrow Money
      • Money multiplier
      • Digital Money
      • New Monetary Aggregates
      • Monetary Policy
    • Financial Market and its Instruments
      • Concept and functions of financial markets
      • Importance of money market
      • Types of capital market
      • Distinguish between capital market and money market
      • Nature and functions of a stock exchange
      • Advantages of stock exchanges
      • Limitations of stock exchanges
      • The stock exchanges in India
      • Insurance Industry - Insurance Industry and Reforms
      • Role of Financial Regulators: SEBI and IRDA
    • Banking Structure in India
      • Scheduled Commercial Banks             
      • Nationalized?Banks                                
      • Public Sector Banks?
        • State Bank of India               
      • Private Banks                                          
      • Foreign Banks                                         
      • Regional Rural Banks                            
      • Scheduled Co-operative Banks           
      • Reserve Bank of India (RBI)               
      • Methods of Credit Control                    
      • Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)
      • Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)
      • Repo Rate
      • Reserve Repo Rate
      • Call Rates
      • Marginal Standing Facility (MSF)
      • Bank Rate
      • Banking Sector Reforms in India
      • Differentiated Banks
        • Payment Banks
        • Small Banks
      • New banking licence
      • White Label ATM
      • Unified Payments Interface
      • Bank Board Bureau
      • Marginal Cost of Funds Based Lending Rate (MCLR)
      • Priority Sector Lending Certificates
      • Concept of Micro ATM
      • Banking Reforms
      • Basel Norms                                            
      • Banking Ombudsman                           
      • Development Financial Institutions    
      • Insurance Companies
      • Recent developments in Economic Sector
        • Government to recapitalize the PSB’s
        • RBI rule and regulation for peer to peer (P2P) lending
        • Domestic Systematically Important Banks (SIBs) of India
        • Financial Inclusion in India
        • The Concept of Bad Bank
        • Alternative Mechanism Panel for PSB consolidation
        • Employee Provident Fund of India
        • Enforcement Department In RBI
        • Gold Monetization Scheme (GMS)
        • Indian Post Payment Bank (IPPB)
        • Indian Gold Coins/Gold Bullion Scheme

    Public Finance in India

    • Budgeting
      • Union Budget                                          
      • Plan and Non Plan Expenditure
      • Revenue Receipts
      • Tax Revenue Receipts
      • Non-Tax Revenue Receipts
    • Fiscal Policy
      • Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) Act, 2003
      • Revenue Deficit, Fiscal Deficit, Primary Deficit
      • Deficit and Surplus Budget
      • Deficit Financing
    • Centre State Distribution
      • Finance Commission (A280)
    • Tax Structure in India
      • Tax – Direct Tax, Indirect Tax
      • Methods of Taxation – Progressive,
        Regressive, Proportional
      • Value Added Tax – VAT in India
      • Goods and Services Tax – GST, GST Council
      • Service Tax
      • DTC – Direct Tax Code


    • Meaning Objectives and History
      • Meaning of Economic Planning          
      • Objectives of?Planning                           
      • Strategies of Planning                            
        • Harrod Domar strategy
        • Nehru Mahalonobis strategy
        • Gandhian strategy
        • LPG strategy
      • Regional and National Planning
      • Imperative and Indicative Planning
      • History of Planning in India
      • Visvesvaraya Plan, Gandhian Plan FICCI Proposal, Congress Plan Bombay Plan
      • Planning Commission and National Development Council(NDC)
      • Central Planning – 5 Year Plans, 20 Point Program, MPLADS
      • Decentralized Planning
    • Planning Institutions
      • Planning Commission                            
      • NITI Aayog                                             
      • National Development Council (NDC)  
    • Five Year Plans in India
      • 12th Five Year Plan (2012-2017)
      • Alternative Scenarios During 12th Plan
      • Economic?Reforms?

    Open Economy

    • Foreign Trade Concepts
      • Balance of Payments
      • Foreign Capital – FDI, FPI, FII, QFH  
      • Foreign Exchange–Exchange Rate NEER & REER, ETF
      • FERA & FEMA
      • Capital Account Convertibility in India        
      • India's External Debt                             
      • NRI Deposits                                           
      • Trade Composition                                
    • Trade Policy and Agreements
      • Import Cover
      • Import/Export Controls
      • Foreign Trade policy 2015-20
      • Export Promotion                                   
      • General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade     
    • Exchange Rate
      • Exchange Market
      • LERMS
      • NEER
      • REER
      • ETF
    • International Organization
      • United Nations
      • Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
      • International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
      • International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
      • International Labour Organization (ILO)
      • International Maritime Organization (IMO)
      • International Monetary Fund (IMF)
      • International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
      • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)           
      • United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
      • Universal Postal Union (UPU)
      • World Bank Group (WBG)
      • International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)
      • International Finance Corporation (IFC)
      • International Development Association (IDA)
      • World Health Organization (WHO)
      • World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
      • World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
      • World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
      • World Trade Organization (WTO)
      • Asian Development Bank
      • Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AII)
      • New Development Bank
      • African Development Bank
    • Trade Agreements
      • RCEP
      • TPP
      • NAFTA
      • MERCOSUR
      • Southern African Development Community (SADC)
      • ASEAN
      • SAFTA
    • Recent Developments in External Sector
      • Global foreign exchange committee
      • Price capping of medical devices in India
      • Review of the International Investment Agreement (IIA)
      • India signed the OECD multilateral convention to prevent BEPS (Base Erosion and Profit Shifting)
      • Second Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) Bharat 22
      • Double Tax Avoidance Treaty
      • Preferential Trade Agreement with Chile
      • Advance Pricing Agreement
      • National Committee on Trade Facilitation
      • E-tourist Visa
      • India’s Asylum Policy
      • Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS)

    Economic Sectors

    • Poverty
      • Definition and Indices
      • Poverty?in India                                      
      • Human Poverty Index (HPI)
      • Expert Groups for Estimating Poverty          
      • Inequality                                                 
    • Employment
      • Employment and Unemployment      
      • Poverty?Eradication and Employment Related Related programs
    • Government Schemes and?Programs
      • New Social Welfare Schemes
      • Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY)
      • Other Social Protection?Programmes?
      • Rural Infrastructure and Development         
      • Urban Infrastructure, Housing and Sanitation  
      • Education Schemes
      • Financial Inclusion Schemes
      • Health Schemes
      • Women Empowerment?Programmes
      • Other Women Empowerment?Programmes
      • Social?Security
    • Committees
      • Ratan P Watal Committee on Digital Payment
      • Committee for Market Infrastructure Institution (MII)
      • P. J. Nayak Committee
      • Deepak Mohanty Committee Report on Medium-term Path on Financial Inclusion
      • Narasimham Committee Report on Banking Sector Reforms
      • Uday Kotak Committee on Corporate Governance
      • Nachiket Mor Committee

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