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History (Post Independence Consolidation (Mains))


  • History
  • Geography
  • Indian Society
  • Polity & Governance
  • International Relations
  • Economy
  • Science & Technology
  • Environment
  • Internal Security
  • Ethics
  • Challenges before India after Independence

    • Communal Riots and Regions most affected
    • Partition and then Independence: Punjab, Bengal and Assam, Sindh
    • Radcliff Commission and challenges before boundary commission
    • Radcliff Commission and its composition
    • Drawbacks of Commission
    • Division of sources
    • Finances
    • Defence personnel and equipment
    • Civil government
    • Assassination of Gandhi
    • Resettlement and Rehabilitation of Refugees
    • Shift to Constitutional Democracy

    The Indian States

    • Policy of Equal Federation (1935-1947)
    • Plan of consolidation
    • Integration of Princely States: Junagadh, Kashmir and Hyderabad
    • Aftermath of Integration
    • Goa and Pondicherry
    • Tribal Integration
    • Roots of India Tribal Policy
    • Reasons for dismal performance of Tribal Policy
    • Positive Development happened due to state’s Initiative since 1947
    • Issue of language
    • The Official Language
    • Features of Official Language Act

    Framing of the Constitution of India

    • Evolution of the Constitution and main provisions
    • Steps to the Constitution
    • Constitutional Developments
    • The Indian Constitution: Main Provisions
    • The Constituent Assembly
    • Formation of the Constituent Assembly
    • Compulsions and Issues in front of Assembly

    From Colony to Democracy

    • Challenge of building democracy
    • Challenges before ECI and conduction of first general election
    • Starting of one party dominance
    • Dominance of Congress System
    • Nature of Congress Dominance
    • 1967 elections
    • Split in the Congress
    • Emergence of Opposition Parties
    • Role of opposition parties
    • Various opposition parties

    Economic Consolidation

    • Economic Development and Planning
    • Ideas of Development
    • Planning
    • Formation of Planning Commission
    • First five year plan
    • Second five year plan
    • Achievements of Plans from 1947 to 1965
    • Key controversies regarding 5 year plans
    • Green Revolution
    • Prevailing Conditions before the introduction of Green Revolution
    • Initiatives prior to Green Revolution to boost Agriculture
    • Government’s other positive initiative during Green Revolution Period
    • Positive and negative impact of Green Revolution
    • Operation Flood and Cooperatives
    • Formation of Amul
    • Starting and impact of Operation Flood
    • Limitations of Co-operativization
    • Development of land reforms in India between 1947 and early 1960’s
    • Abolition of intermediaries
    • Tenancy reforms
    • Ceiling on land holdings
    • Bhoodan Movement
    • Aims and advantages of Bhoodan movement

    India’s External Relations

    • Evolution of India’s Foreign Policy
    • Strategic Issues
    • Features of Indian Foreign Policy
    • Emergence of NAM and its Summits
    • Organizational structure & membership
    • India and its neighbours
    • India and China
    • India and Pakistan (Indo-Pak War, Kargil War, Shimla Agreement, Tashkent Declaration and Agra Summit)
    • India and Bangladesh (Creation of Bangladesh)
    • India and Sri Lanka
    • India with Nepal and Bhutan
    • India’s relations with USA and USSR during cold war
    • Analysis of Nehruvian Foreign Policy

    The Crisis of Democratic Order

    • The JP movement and Emergency 1975-77: Testing of Indian democracy tested
    • Background to emergency (Economic context, Gujarat and Bihar movements, Conflict with Judiciary)                                                   
    • Declaration of emergency (Crisis and Response)
    • Controversies regarding emergency
    • Lessons from emergency
    • Politics after Emergency (LS elections 1977 and Janata Party)
    • The Opposition: Initial years of BJP
    • The Naxalite Movement
    • Communalism
    • Secularism and democracy
    • Ayodhya dispute: Demolition and after
    • Communalism and use of state power
    • Revival and growth of communalism
    • Anti-muslim riots in Gujarat
    • The Punjab Crisis
    • Operation Blue Star
    • Demand of Khalistan
    • Basis of Regionalism: Politics in the states
    • Roots of tension
    • Challenges of Regionalism
    • Tamil Nadu (Dravidian Movement), Andhra Pradesh, Assam, West Bengal and J&K (external and internal disputes)                                                    
    • Secessionist movement in North-Eastern states
    • Accommodation and National Integration

    Popular Movements

    • Nature of Popular Movements
    • Environment Movements
    • Chipko Movement
    • Narmada Bachao Andalon (Sardar Sarovar Project, Debates and struggles)
    • Party based Movement and Non-party based movements
    • Caste, Untouchability, Anti-caste politics and strategies      
    • Issues of Dalit
    • Dalit panthers: Origin and their activities
    • Agrarian Struggles
    • Bharatiya Kisan Union: Growth and its characteristics
    • National Fish Worker’s Forum
    • Anti-Arrack Movement: Origin and its linkage
    • Indian Women since Independence
    • Lesson from popular movements

    Recent Developments in Indian Politics

    • Context of the 1990s
    • Era of Coalition
    • Decline of Congress
    • Alliance politics
    • Political Rise of other Backward Classes
    • Mandal Implemented: The Mandal Commission
    • Political fallouts
    • NEP-1991, LPG policy, Tax reforms, Privatisation, Globalisation and ICT
    • Nuclear policy
    • Emergence of new consensus
    • LS Elections 2004
    • Terrorist troubles and relations with Pakistan
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