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History (Modern History)


  • History
  • Geography
  • Indian Society
  • Polity & Governance
  • International Relations
  • Economy
  • Science & Technology
  • Environment
  • Internal Security
  • Ethics
  • The Advent of Europeans In India

    • The Portuguese in India
    • De Almeida
    • Albuquerque
    • Causes of failure of Portuguese empire in India
    • The Dutch in India
    • The Danes in India
    • The English
    • The French
    • Anglo-French Rivalry
    • First Carnatic War
    • Rise of the Hyderahad State
    • The Second Carnatic War
    • The Third Carnatic War
    • Causes of English Succes

    British Expansion in India

    • Bengal
    • Anglo Maratha Wars
    • The Subsidiary Alliance System
    • Second Phase of British
      Expansion In India                                 
    • The Conquest of Sindh
    • Anglo-Sikh Wars
    • Doctrine of Lapse
    • Annexation of Oudh

    Administration before 1857

    • The Dual System
    • The Charter Acts
    • Judicial System
    • Impact of British Administration

    Economic Policies of The British

    • Phase of Mercantilism (1757-1813)
    • Phase of Free Trade (1813-1858)
    • Phase of Finance Imperialism (1858 onwards)
    • Land Revenue Policy                             
      • Ryotwari                                   
      • Mahalwari
      • Permanent Settlement
    • Impact of British Policy on Indian Economy
    • Drain of Wealth Theory

    Impact of British Administration

    • Industrialization—Ruin of Artisans and Handicrafts men
    • Impoverishment of Peasantry
    • Emergence of New Land Relations, Ruin of Old Zamindars
    • Stagnation and Deterioration of Agriculture
    • Commercialization of Indian Agriculture
    • Development of Modern Industry
    • Rise of Indian Bourgeoisie
    • Economic Drain
    • Famine and Poverty
    • Nationalist Critique of Colonial Economy
    • Abolition of the Dual System

    The Revolt Of 1857

    • Causes of the Revolt
      • Economic Causes
      • Political Causes
      • Administrative Causes
      • Socio -Religious Causes
      • Influence of Outside Events
      • Discontent Among Sepoy’s
    • Centres and Spread of the Revolt
    • Leaders of the Revolt
    • Causes of Failure of the Revolt
    • Nature and Impact of the Revolt
    • Consequences

    Administrative Changes After 1857

    • Administration - Central, Provincial, Local
    • Changes in the Army
    • Public Services
    • Princely States
    • Foreign Policy

    Development of Civil Services

    • Indian Civili Services Act, 1861
    • Aitcision Comminittee on Public Services (1886)
    • Montford Reforms (1919)
    • Lee Commission (1924)
    • Government of India Act, 1935

    Development of Education

    • Charter Act of 1813
    • Orientalist-Anglicism Controversy
    • Efforts of Thomson
    • Wood’s Dispatch (1854) Hunter Education Commission (1882-83)
    • Indian Universities Act, 1904
    • Government Resolution on Education Policy—1913
    • Saddler University Commission (1917-19)
    • Education Under Dyarchy
    • Hartog Committee (1929)
    • Wardha Scheme of Basic Education (1937)
    • Sergeant Plan of Education
    • Kothari Education Commission (1964-66)
    • Development of Vernacular Education
    • Development of Technical Education
    • Evaluation of British Policy on Education

    Development of Press

    • Different Publications and Journals
    • Acts related to Press
      • Vernacular Press Act, 1878
    • Struggle by Early Nationalists to
      Secure Press Freedom ,
    • During and After the First World War
    • During the Second World War
    • After Independence

    Socio-Religious Reforms

    • Factors causing Reforms
    • Directions of refroms
    • Hindu Reform Movements
    • Reform Movements Among Muslims
    • Sikh Reform Movement
    • Parsi Reform Movement
      • Parsi Religious Reform Association               
    • Significance of Reform Movements
    • Impact of Reform Movements


    • Raja Ram Mohan Roy
    • Swami Vivekananda
    • Swami DayanandaSaraswati
    • Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
    • Keshab Chandra Sen
    • Sri Ramakrishna Paramhamsa
    • Mahadev Govind Ranade
    • Annie Besant–Theosophical Society  
    • Syed Ahmad Khan
    • Baba Dayal Das                                     
    • Pandita Ramabai Sarojini Naidu
    • Jyotiba Phule
    • Dr.Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar

    Peasant, Tribal and Other Movements

    • Tribal Movements
      • Bhil Uprising
      • Kol Uprising
      • Santhal Rebellion
      • Jaintia and Garo Rebellion
      • Rampa Rebellion
      • Munda Rebellion
      • Khonda Dora Uprisings
      • Tana Bhagat Movement
    • Peasant Movements
      • Champaran Satyagraha
      • Kheda Peasant Struggle
      • Bardoli Movement
      • Moplah Rebellion
      • Tebhaga Movement
      • Telangana Movement

    Revolutionary Nationalism

    • Early Phase Indian National Congress
    • The Moderate Congress (1885-1905)
    • Opinion Against Economic Exploitation Administrative Reforms Constitutional Reforms : Weaknesses & Evaluation
    • The Extremist (1905-1920)
      • Terrorist Movements
      • The Revolutionary Movement
      • Reasons for Failure
      • Revolutionary Activities in Maharashtra
      • Revolutionary Activities in Bengal
      • Revival of Revolutionary Nationalism
      • Surya Sen
      • Revolutionary Activities Outside India
      • The Indian Independence Committee in Berlin
    • Differences between the Moderates and the Extremists

    Indian National Movement – I (1905-1918)

    • Partition of Bengal (1905)
    • Swadeshi Movement
    • Muslim League, 1906
    • Surat Session of INC, 1907
    • Indian Council Act (Morley-Minto Act) 1909
    • Ghadar Party, 1913
    • Komagata Maru Incident 1914
    • The Lucknow Pact (1916)
    • Home Rule Movement (1915–1916)
    • August Declaration, 1917

    Indian National Movement –II (1918-1929)

    • World War I-Reforms and Agitation
    • Champaran Satyagraha (1917)
    • Ahmadabad Mill Strike (1918)
    • Kheda Satyagraha (1918)
    • The Government of India Act, 1919
    • Rowlatt Act and Jallianwala Bagh
      Massacre (1919)
    • Khilafat Movement
    • The Non-Cooperation Movement (1920-22)
    • Bardoli Resolution
    • Nagpur Session of Congress
    • Swaraj Party and its Evaluation
    • Muddiman Committee (1924)
    • Simon Commission (1927)
    • Bardoli Satyagraha (1928)
    • Nehru Report (1928)
    • Jinnah’s Fourteen Points
    • Lahore Session, 1929
    • Allahabad Address (1930)

    Indian National Movement - III (1930-1947)

    • Civil Disobedience Movement (1930-1931)
    • First Round Table Conference, 1930
    • Gandhi-Irwin Pact, 1931
    • Karachi session of 1931
    • Second Round Table Conference, 1931
    • Civil Disobedience Movement (Second-Phase)
    • Third Round Table Conference (17 November 1932)
    • Communal Award
    • Poona Pact, 1932
    • Government of India Act, 1935
    • World War II and Indian Nationalism
    • Resignation of Congress Ministers (1939)
    • Poona Resolution and Conditional Support to Britain (1941)
    • August Offer of 1940
    • The Individual Civil Disobedience
    • Two-Nation Theory
    • Demand for Pakistan (1942)
    • Cripps Mission (1942)
    • Quit India Movement
    • Azad Hind Fauj
    • Indian National Army
    • N.A. Trials
    • I.N. Rebellion
    • Rajagopalachari Formula, 1945
    • Desai - Liaqat Pact
    • Cabinet Mission (1946)
    • Wavell Plan
    • Jinnah’s Direct Action Resolution
    • Mountbatten Plan of June 1947
    • Indian Independence Act 1947

    Governor Generals During British India

    • Governor of Bengal (Before 1773)
    • Governor Generals of Bengal (1773-1833)
    • Governor Generals of India (1832-1858)
    • Viceroy and Governor Generals of India (1858-1947)


    • Robert Clive (1754-1767)
    • Lord Warren Hastings (1773-1785)
    • Lord Cornwallis (1786-1793)
    • Sir John Shore (1793-1798)
    • Lord Arthur Wellesley (1798-1805)
    • Lord George Barlow (1805-1807)
    • Lord Minto-I (1807-1813)
    • Francis Rawdon Hastings (1813-1823): (Marques of Hastings)       
    • Lord Amherst (1823-28)
    • Lord William Bentinck (1828-1835)
    • Sir Charles Metcalfe (1835-1836)
    • Lord Auckland (1836-1842)
    • Lord Ellenborough (1842-1844)
    • Lord Hardinge-I (1844-1848)
    • Lord Dalhousie (1848-1856 great imperialist and colonist)
    • Lord Canning (1856-1857 and 1858-1862)
    • Lord Elgin-I (1862-1863)
    • Lord Lawrence (1864-1869)
    • Lord Mayo (1869-1872)
    • Lord Northbrook (1872-1876)
    • Lord Lytton (1876-1880)
    • Lord Rippon (1880-1884)
    • Lord Dufferin (1884-1888)
    • Lord Lansdowne (1888-1894)
    • Lord Elgin-II (1894-1999)
    • Lord Curzon (1899-1905)
    • Lord Minto-II (1905-1910)
    • Lord Hardinge-II (1910-1916)
    • Lord Chelmsford (1916-1921)
    • Lord Reading (1921-1926)
    • Lord Irwin (1926-1931)
    • Lord Willingdon (1931-1936)
    • Lord Linlithgow (1936-1944)
    • Lord Wavell (1944-1947)
    • Lord Mountbatten (1947-1948)

    Constitutional Development in India

    • Regulating Act 1773
    • Pitts India Act of 1784
    • Charter Act of 1793
    • Charter Act of 1813
    • Charter Act of 1833
    • Charter Act of 1853
    • Government of India Act 1858
    • The Indian Councils Act 1861
    • Indian Councils Act 1892
    • Indian Councils Act 1909 or Morley - Minto Reforms Government of India Act 1919 or Montague - Chelmsford Reforms
    • Government of India Act 1935
    • Indian Independence Act, 1947
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