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Ethics (Ethics (Mains))


  • History
  • Geography
  • Indian Society
  • Polity & Governance
  • International Relations
  • Economy
  • Science & Technology
  • Environment
  • Internal Security
  • Ethics
  • UPSC Syllabus

    • Ethics and Human Interface: Essence, determinants and consequences of Ethics in human actions; dimensions of ethics; ethics in private and public relationships
    • Human Values - lessons from the lives and teachings of great leaders, reformers and administrators; role of family, society and educational institutions in inculcating values
    • Attitude: content, structure, function; its influence and relation with thought and behaviour; moral and political attitudes; social influence and persuasion
    • Contributions of moral thinkers and philosophers from India and world

    Ethics: Basic Introduction

    • Dimensions and Essence of Ethics
    • Approaches of Ethical Study: Indian Perspective and Western Perspective
    • Basic concepts: morality and value    
    • Ethics in public life
    • Ethics in Economic Life
    • Freedom and Discipline
    • Duties and Rights
    • Virtue Ethics
    • Consequences of Ethics in Human Actions
    • Values and Ethics in Government: Legislature, Executive and judiciary
    • Contribution of Family in Value Education
    • Contribution of Society in Inculcating Values
    • Role of Educational Institutions in
      Inculcating Values

    Human values

    • Human Values& Socialization
    • Individual Personality and Values
    • Values and Skill
    • Fundamental and Instrumental Values
    • Democratic values
    • Role of Ethical values in governance and society
    • Significance of values in civil services
    • Aesthetic values
    • Values in work life and professional ethics

    Aptitude and Foundational Values of Civil Services

    • Essential Aptitude for civil servants
    • Foundational Values of Civil Services
    • Civil Services Accountability
    • Neutrality, Anonymity, Integrity , Humility , Adaptability , Magnanimity , Perseverance
    • Impartiality and Non-Partisanship
    • Tolerance and compassion for the Weaker section
    • Contribution to society by Civil Services

    India & World Thinkers

    • Indian Thinkers
      • Mahatama Gandhi
      • S Radhakrishnan
      • Rabindranath Tagore
      • Swami DayanandSaraswati
      • MahadevaGovindaRanade
      • Sri Aurobindo
      • Swami Vivekananda
      • Sardar Patel
      • Buddha
      • Bhim Rao Ambedkar
      • Raja Ram Mohan Roy
      • ChhatrapatiShahuMaharaj
      • Mother Teresa
      • Amitabha Chowdhury
      • Aruna Roy
      • T N Seshan
      • E Sreedharan
    • Administrative Thinkers
      • Max Weber
      • Elton Mayo
      • Peter Drucker
      • Chestar Barnard
      • Mary Parker Follet
    • World Thinkers
      • Plato
      • Aristotle
      • Socrates
      • Jeremy Bentham
      • S. Mill
      • Thomas Hobbes
      • John Locke
      • Jean Jacques Rousseau
      • John Rawls
      • Immanuel Kant
      • Carol Gilligan
      • Jean Paul Sartre
      • Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
      • Confucius
      • Rene Descartes
      • Karl Marx
      • Adam Smith
      • Thomas Aquinas
      • David Hume
      • Democritus
      • Galileo
      • Friedrich Nietzsche
      • Montesquieu
      • Voltaire
      • Thomas Jefferson
    • Indian & World Leaders
      • Benjamin Franklin
      • Martin Luther King
      • Dalai Lama
      • Nelson Mandela
      • Mahatma Gandhi
      • Siddhartha Gautama
      • Aung San Suu Kyi
      • Swami Vivekananda
      • Albert Einstein
      • Abraham Lincoln
      • Mother Teresa
      • J L Nehru
      • Lee Kuan Yew
      • Henry Ford
      • Abdul Kalam
      • Muhammad Yunus
      • Wangari Maathai
      • Kofi Annan
      • Lech Walesa
      • Desmond Tutu
      • Isaac Newton
      • Elie Wiesel
      • King Ashoka
      • Sun Yat Sen

    Emotional Intelligence

    • Concept of Emotional Intelligence Models of emotional intelligence
    • Peter Salovey and John Mayer
    • Reuven Bar-on Model
    • Goleman’s model
    • Utilities of Emotional Intelligence
    • Main Components of emotional intelligence
    • Importance of emotional intelligence in bureaucracy
    • Relevance of Emotional intelligence in Civil Services
    • Critiques of emotional intelligence


    • Components of Attitude: Affective, Cognitive, Behavioral component
    • Functions of Attitude: Adjustive, Ego-Defensive, Value-Expressive , Knowledge Function
    • Attitude Formation Model
    • Impact of Beliefs and Values on Attitude
    • Group Influences
    • Social Influence
    • Persuasion Tactics and Tools of Persuasion
    • Moral Attitude formation
    • Political Attitude formation

    Ethics & Governance

    • Values & Ethics in Public Administration
    • Ethical Concerns in Public Institution
    • Ethical Concerns in Private Institutions
    • Ethical Dilemmas in Public and Private Institutions
    • Laws, Rules and Regulations as Source of Ethical Guidance
    • Accountability and Ethical Governance Strengthening of Ethical and Moral Values in Governance
    • Moral Judgments in International Relations Ethical Relation in Funding
    • International Relations and concept of Moral Responsibility
    • Ethics in working of international organizations
    • What is Corporate Governance?
    • Models of Corporate Social Responsibility
    • Steps taken by World Bank for Good Corporate Governance
    • Norms for Corporate Government in India
    • Concept of business ethics         

    Probity in Governance

    • Concept of Public Service
    • Philosophical basis of Governance and Probity
    • Information Sharing, Transparency and  Right to Information
    • Flaws in RTI and recommendations for improvement
    • Importance of vigilant citizens
    • Information sharing and participation Importance of Code of ethics
    • Code of Ethics in Professions
    • Code of Conduct for Ministers; for Legislators; for Civil Servants; for Regulators and for the Judiciary
    • Components of a Citizen Charter
    • Steps in formulation of a Citizen’s Charter … Concept of Work Culture
    • The Indian Approach to Work
    • Methods of improving Work Culture
    • Quality of Service Delivery
    • Utilisation of Public Funds
    • Problems in Fund Release and Utilization Parliamentary Control on Expenditure
    • Corruption in India: extent, dimension, and response
    • Corruption as a social evil
    • Probity in public life Corrupt practice among civil servants and official misconduct
    • Exposing corruption: Civil Society initiatives and role of Whistleblower Act
    • Tackling corruption: Role of government and institutions of governance
    • Controlling corruption: Various approaches and efficacy
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