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Science & Technology (Science And Technology (Prelims))


  • History
  • Geography
  • Indian Society
  • Polity & Governance
  • International Relations
  • Economy
  • Science & Technology
  • Environment
  • Internal Security
  • Ethics
  • Science & Technology in India

    • Policy Development of S&T in India
      • Role of S&T in the Developing World
      • S&T Policy in India
        • The S&T Policy Resolution in 1958
        • S&T Policy of the 1983
        • S&T Policy of the 2003
        • S&T Policy 2013
      • Science and technology as a source of Human Resource Development
      • Awards related to Science
      • New Initiatives Aligned with the National Agenda
      • India and World collaboration in science projects
      • Technology Vision Document 2035
      • National Biotechnology Development Strategy 2015-2020
      • National Intellectual Property Rights Policy
      • Organ donation rules in India
      • Policy on Synthetic Biology
    • Different Organization Institution and Various Department for the S&T
      • List of Various Centre Institutions and Bureaus
      • Ministries and Department for science and Technology
      • Institutional structure
      • Department of Science & Technology
      • CSIR
      • Survey of India
      • Science and Engineering Research Council
      • Technology Development Board
      • National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories


    • Space Research Programme, Orbits and Launch
      • Space Technology
      • Indian Space research Programme
      • ISRO and ANTRIX
      • Orbits Type
      • Satellite Launching Systems
      • Terminologies Related to the Space Science
    • Satellites, Launch Vehicles and India Satellite Programmes
      • Earth Observation Systems
      • Satellite Communication in India
      • Remote sensing applications - IRS Sytems
      • INSAT Satellite Application
      • GSAT Satellite Application
      • Launch vehicle Technology
      • GSLV and Various Engine
      • Recent National and International Space Missions
      • Cryogenic rockets
        • Global Positioning System
        • Galileo
        • GLONASS
        • IRNSS
        • GAGAN
      • Chandrayaan – I & II
      • Mars Orbitor Mission
        • Space Organisations
        • Space race/Space junk
      • Recent updates
        • South Asia Satellite: Significance
        • Neutrino Observatory
        • Solar Mission- ADITYA
        • Gravitational Waves
        • Spitzer Space Telescope
        • Chandra X-Ray Observatory
        • Multi Application Solar Telescope
        • Thirty Metre Telescope
        • Resourcesat-2A
        • Astrosat
        • Sunspot
        • Magnetars
        • Neutron stars
        • Air-breathing propulsion system
        • Space Junk
        • Graveyard Orbit
        • Super cluster of galaxies known as “Saraswati”.
        • NASA: Asteroid impact and deflection assessment mission.
        • Commercial use of Lithium-Ion batterytechnology
        • Hyperspectral imaging satellite
        • Water propulsion system in CUBESAT
        • Saturn-cassini Mission
        • OSIRIS-Rex passed by earth to reach asteroid Bennu
        • Hackathon # Open Gov Data Hack
        • Google Lunar X Prize Competition
        • NASA-ISRO synthetic aperture radar satellite (NISAR)
        • GSAT-17 heaviest communication satellite of ISRO
        • Astrosat, Chandra and Hubble Jointly detect massive cosmic explosion
        • Scientists create fi rst global map of water on moon
        • World’s largest aircraft “Strato launch”
        • MOM complete 3 years in orbit
        • Solar mission Aditya L-1 in 2019
        • Gravitational waves news
        • Radio galaxies
        • Indigenously developed S-Band Doppler weather radar
        • Kelvin waves
        • ISRO made satellite based chip system
        • TDRS-M NASA
        • Neutrino Observatory
        • Indian Space Vision-2025
          • ‘NIRBHAY’ sub sonic cruise missile
          • Brahmos
          • INS Koltar
          • INS Kiltan
          • NAG missile
          • Hydrogen bomb
          • Vikram OPV
          • Integrated Quarter Master Package
          • INS Kalvari
          • Prithvi II
          • Air Independent Propulsion
          • Rukmini

    IT & Communication

    • Different Regulatory Bodies in India for ICT
      • Ministry of Communication and information Technology
      • Initiatives in 12th 5 year plan
      • Major Policy Initiatives National Optical Fibre network
      • Spectrum Management
      • Government initiatives
      • Cyber Law
    • Computer Terminology and Fundamental
      • History of Computers
      • Types of Computer
      • Component of Computer system
        • Computer Languages
        • Generation of computers
      • Computer terminologies
      • Supercomputer and its applications
      • Display technologies
      • Cathode ray
      • LCD
      • LED
      • Plasma Monitors
      • OLED
    • Mobile Generations and Technology
      • Definition and Impact of ICT on Society
      • Evolution of Telecommunication
      • Media Transmission technology
      • Wireless , Optical Fibres, VSAT SIM IMEI 3G 4 G VolTE Wi Max
      • Mobile generations
        • Smartphone
        • Important concepts
      • Internet, Types of Network and e- Governance
        • Internet
        • WWW
        • IP
        • URL
        • HTTP
        • Computer Security Tools: firewalls, hackers
        • Global Internet Governance e
        • Internet of things
        • Internet Protocol
        • VPN
        • Networking : Bluetooth , WiFIHotSpot
        • National E Governance Plan
        • Recent Developments
          • Government initiatives
          • Digital India Initiative
          • MeghRaj
          • Code Free for India
          • E-Kranti
          • Bharat Net project
          • Bharat QR
          • Contemporary debates
          • Net Nuetrality
          • Internet of Things
          • Big Data Initiative and Privacy
          • Cyber crime and security
        • Spectrum Policy, Broad Band Policy
          • Spectrum Policy in India
          • Spectrum
          • Mobile Spectrum
          • Broadband Policy in India
          • Cloud Computing
          • Big Data
          • Encyption
          • Biometrics
          • Virtual Reality
          • Digital India
          • QR Codes
          • Recent Developments in IT & Telecom
            • Quantum computing
            • Project brainwave
            • Sagar Vani System
            • Locky Ransomware, Petya, WannaCry
            • Hindi word for computer i.e., “SANGANAK”
            • India’s first technology and innovation support centre (TISC)
            • Net neutrality
            • National cyber coordination center
            • Hortinet
            • Digital Transaction Methodologies
            • Block chain Technology
            • Bitcoins
            • Cyber Swachhta Kendra
            • Digital Transaction Methodologies
            • Bharat Net Project
            • Wi-Fi Technology
            • Digital Terrestrial Television Transmission System
            • Internet of Things

    Materials, Nano Technology & ROBOTICS

    • Superconductivity Laser, Artificial Intelligence
      • History Classification and Properties of Superconductors
      • Application of Superconductors
      • Types and Applications of LASERS
      • Artificial Intelligence and Application
      • Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence
    • Superconductivity Laser, Artificial Intelligence
      • What is Robotics?
      • Robotics Terminologies
      • Laws of Robotics
      • Robotics in India
      • Machine vs Computer vs Robots
      • Parts of a Robot
        • Controller
        • Manipulator
        • End Effector
        • Sensor
      • Classification of Robots
        • Rolling Robots
        • Walking Robots
        • Autonomous Robots
      • Artificial Intelligence
      • Advantages and Disadvantages of Robot
      • Applications of Robotics
        • Industrial Sector
        • Aerospace
        • Healthcare Delivery
        • Outer Space
        • Exploration
        • Military Robots
        • Disaster Areas
        • Entertainment
        • Agriculture
        • Domestic work
      • Nano Technology
        • What is Nanoscience and Nanotechnology?
        • Origination of Nanoscience and Technology
        • Basics of Nanoscience
        • Nanomaterials
        • Applications of nanotechnology
          • Nano medicine
          • Semiconductors and computing
          • Food
          • Textiles
          • Sustainable energy
          • Environment
          • Transport
          • Space
          • Carbon Nanotube
          • Graphene
          • Quantum Dots
          • Nano Bots
          • Agriculture
        • Adverse Health and Environmental Impacts of Nanotechnology
        • Social and Ethical Impacts:
        • Nano-science and Nano-technology in India


    • Defence Technology
      • Organisations
      • Missile system and classification
        • On the basis of type
        • On the basis of launch vehicle
        • On the basis of Range
        • On the basis of propulsion system
      • Ballistic vs Cruise Missile
      • IGMDP Intergrated Guided Missile Development Programme
        • PrithviTrishul Nag Akash AGNI
        • Shaurya Missile
        • ASTRA Missile
        • Dhanush
        • Prahaar
      • Brahmos Missile System
      • Anti-Ballistic Missile System
      • Frigates Destroyers and Aircraft Carriers
      • AWACS
      • Light Combat Aircraft
        • Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
        • Stealth technology
        • Chemical Weapon
        • Biological Weapon
      • Submarines
        • Indian Submarines and Naval Ships
        • Commissioned Submarines
        • Project 75
        • INS Astradharini

    Nuclear Technology

    • Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Fuels
      • Types of nuclear reactions
        • Nuclear Fusion
        • Nuclear Fission
      • Nuclear Fuel – Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
    • Nuclear Programme in India
      • N-Power Policy of India
        • Advantages of Nuclear Energy
        • Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy
      • Institutions involved in Nuclear energy Development, AERB
      • Safety standards in Nuclear Power plants
      • India’s 3 stage Civil Nuclear Programme
      • Nuclear Reactors in India
      • Kudankulam Project
      • Jaitapur Plant
    • Organisation Institutions
      • Department of Atomic Energy
      • BHABHA
    • Radioactivity
      • Radiation and Radioactivity
      • Radiation Technologies and Applications
      • Radioactive Waste and Nuclear Waster Management
      • Nuclear & Radiological Disasters

    IPR and Other Miscellaneous Issues

    • IPR Intellectual Property Rights
      • Copyrights
      • Trademarks
      • Patents
      • Industrial Design
      • Trades Secrets
      • IPR and Agriculture


    • Biotechnology in India
      • Department of BT
      • Various Fields of BT
      • R&D
    • Genetics and Biotechnology
      • Industrial genetics
      • Genetic engineering
      • DNA sequencing
      • Nucleic acid probes
      • Genomics and proteomics
      • Bioprocess/fermentation technology
    • Biological fuel generation
      • Global warming and the significance of fossils fuels
      • Biofuels from biomass
      • Bioethanol from biomass
      • Biodiesel
      • Methane
      • Hydrogen
    • Environmental Biotechnology
      • Microbial Ecology Environmental Biotechnology
      • Waste water and sewage treatment
      • Landfilling technologies
      • Composting
      • Bioremediation
      • Detect and monitoring of pollutants
      • Microbes and the geological environment
    • Plant and Forest biotechnology
      • Plant biotechnology
      • Forest biotechnology
    • Animal and insect biotechnology
      • Genetic manipulation and transgenic animals
      • Genetically engineered hormone and vaccines
      • Animal organs for human patients
      • Genetically modified insects
    • Food and Beverage Biotechnology
      • Food and beverage fermentations
        • Microorganisms as food, Enzymes and food processing
        • Amino acids, vitamins and sweeteners
        • Organic acids and polysaccharides
        • Public acceptance and safety of new biotechnology foods
      • Biotechnology and medicine
        • Pharmaceuticals and biopharmaceuticals
        • Antibiotics
        • Vaccines and monoclonal antibodies
        • Biopharmaceuticals/therapeutic proteins
        • Pharmacogenetics
        • Molecular biology and human disease
        • Diagnostics in developing countries
        • Gene therapy
        • Systems biology and medicine
      • Stem cell biotechnology
    • Protection of biotechnological inventions
      • Patent protection Trade secrets
      • Plant breeders’ rights
    • Recent Development in Biotechnology
      • Achievements of Biotechnology indifferent fields
      • Genome sequencing of Ragi done for the first time in the world
      • GM mustard policy
      • DNA as storage device
      • Biomarker
      • Algae based footwear
      • Artificial Womb
      • K. grants gene editing license
      • GM Mosquito
      • DBT launched “Sohum” an innovative newborn hearing screening device
      • Biotech-KISAN scheme
      • India’s first biomass to ethanol plant & its commercialization
      • Digital Biopiracy
      • Genetically Modified Mosquito
      • Designer Babies’ or Three Parents Babies
      • National Biotechnology Development Strategy 2015-2020


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