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History (Medieval India)


  • History
  • Geography
  • Indian Society
  • Polity & Governance
  • International Relations
  • Economy
  • Science & Technology
  • Environment
  • Internal Security
  • Ethics
  • Major Dynasties (750-1200) of Early Medieval India

    • The Pratiharas (8th to 10th Century)
    • The Palas (8th to 11th Century)
    • The Tripartite Conflict
    • The Senas (11th to 12th Century)
    • The Rajaputas
    • Pallavas
    • Chalukyas
    • Rashtrakutas
    • Indian Feudalism
    • Administration
    • Society and Culture
    • Economy and the decline of Trade

    Cholas and Other South Indian Kingdoms

    • Chola Rulers and Political History
    • Chola Administration
    • Socio-Economic Life
    • Education and Literature
    • The Cheras (9th to 12th Century)
    • The Yadavas (12th to 13th Century)
    • Contact with South-East Asia

    Early Muslim Invasions

    • The Arab Conquest of Sindh
    • Mahmud of Ghazni
    • Muhammad Ghori

    The Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526 AD)

    • Slave Dynasty
    • Khalji Dynasty (1290-1320 AD)
    • Tughlaq Dynasty (1320-1414 AD)
    • Provincial Kingdoms and Resistance
      by Indian Chiefs
    • Sayyid Dynasty
    • Lodi Dynasty
    • Attacks by Mongolas and other Turks
    • Administration
    • Economy
    • Urbanization
    • Society and Culture
    • Scientific Knowledge and legal System
    • Challenges leading to the decline of the Sultanate

    Struggle for Empire in North India (Afghans, Rajputs and Mughals)

    • Struggle between Ibrahim Lodi and Babur
    • The Battle of Panipat
    • Babur’s problems after the Battle of Panipat
    • Struggle with RanaSanga
    • Problems of the Eastern Areas and the Afghans
    • Babur’s Contribution and Significance of his Advent into India
    • Humayun and the Afghans
    • Early Activities of Humayun, and the Tussle with Bahadur Shah
    • The Gujarat Campaign
    • The Bengal Campaign, and Struggle with Sher Khan

    The Establishment of the North Indian Empire

    • Social and Political Background of Bihar  and the Rise of Sher Shah to Power
    • The Sur Empire (1540-56)
    • Contributions of Sher Shah
    • Coinage
    • Architecture

    Consolidation and Expansion of the Empire – Akbar

    • Conflict with the Afghans - Hemu
      • 2nd Battle of Panipat
    • Struggle with the Nobility: Bairam Khan’s Regency; Revolt of Uzbek Nobles
    • Early Expansion of the Empire (1560-76) - Malwa, Garh-Katanga, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Eastern India
    • Relations with the Rajputs - Growth of a Composite Ruling Class
    • Rebellions, and Further Expansion of the Empire in the North West

    State and Government under Akbar

    • Akbar’s Concept of Suzerainty
    • Structure of Government, Central and
      Provincial -the Vikalat, the Central Ministries, Provincial
    • Government, District and Local Government
    • The Working of Government - the Ruler, Land-Revenue System, the Dahsala System, the Mansabdari System and the Army

    Akbar’s Religious Views

    • Relations with the Ulama and Social Reforms
    • The Early Phase (1556-73)
    • The Second Phase (1573-80) - the Ibadat Khana
    • Debates - the Mahzar - Breach with Orthodox
    • Ulama - Re-organisation of Madadd-i-Maash Grants
    • Third or Final Phase - Din-i-Ilahi - State
    • Policies and religious toleration

    The Deccan and the Mughals (Up to 1657)

    • The Deccani States up to 1595
    • Mughal Advance towards the Deccan
    • Mughal Conquest of Berar, Khandesh and Parts of Ahmadnagar
    • Rise of Malik Ambar Mughal Attempt at Consolidation (1601-27)
    • Extinction of Ahmadnagar,Acceptance of Mughal
    • Suzerainty by Bijapur and Golconda
    • Shah Jahan and the Deccan (1636-57)
    • Cultural Contribution of the Deccani States

    Foreign Policy of the Mughals

    • Akbar and the Uzbeks
    • The Question of Qandahar and Relations with Iran
    • Shah Jahan’s Balkh Campaign
    • Mughal - Persian Relations - the Last Phase

    India in the First Half of the Seventeenth Century

    • Jahangir’s Accession - his Early Difficulties
    • Territorial Consolidation and Expansion of the Empire - Mewar, East India and Kangra
    • NurJahan, and the NurJahan ‘Junta’ The Rebellions of Shah Jahan,
      and the coup de main of Mahabat Khan
    • Jahangir as a Ruler
    • State and Religion in the First Half of the Seventeenth Century
    • Shah Jahan - Consolidation and Expansion of the Empire
    • Evolution of the Mughal Ruling Class and the Mansabdari System

    Climax and Crisis of the Mughal Empire: The Marathas and the Deccan

    • Rise of the Marathas - Early Career of Shivaji
    • Treaty of Purandar - the Agra Visit
    • Aurangzeb and the Deccani States (1658-87)
    • Marathas and the Decean (1687-1707)
    • Assessment of Aurangzeb and the Jagirdari Crisis

    The Maratha and Other Indian States and Society in The 18th Century

    • The Marathas and their Policy of Expansion
    • The Marathas and Nizam-ul-Mulk
    • The Maratha Advance into Gujarat and Malwa
    • The Maratha Advance into Doab and Punjab:
    • First Phase (1741-52); Second Phase (1752-61);
    • Third Battle of Panipat
    • Shivaji (1627-1680)
    • Shivaji’s administration
    • Successors of Shivaji
    • The Peshwas (1713-1818)
    • Other Indian States ( The Bhonsles The Gaikwads Holkars Sindhias)
    • Economic Condition in 18th Century
    • Social and Cultural Life

    Vijayanagar Empire

    • Sources
    • Political History
    • Administration
    • Social and Cultural Life
    • Economic Condition
    • Conflicts with the Bahmani Kingdom

    Regional States in the Medieval Period

    • Regional States of North and South India (Bahmani, Bengal, Avadh, The Sikhs, Rajput States Jats Hyderabad Mysore)
    • Social and Cultural Conditions
    • Economic Conditions
    • Military Conditions

    Northern India in the First Half of the Eighteenth Century

    • Bahadur Shah I, and the Beginning of the Struggle For Wizarat
    • Rajput Affairs
    • Marathas and the Deccan – Accentuation of the Party Struggle
    • Struggle for ‘New’ Wizarat: Zulfiqar Khan and Jahandar Shah (1712-13)
    • The Saiyid Brothers’ Struggle for ‘New’ Wizarat
    • The Saiyid ‘New’ Wizarat
    • The Wizarat of M. Amin Khan and Nizam-ul-Mulk
    • Rise of Regional States, Beginning of Foreign Invasions of India (1725-48)

    Society-Structure and Growth

    • Rural Society
    • Towns and Town Life
    • Artisans and Master-Craftsmen
    • Women
    • Servants and Slaves
    • Standard of Living
    • The Ruling Classes - Nobility, Rural Gentry
    • The Middle Strata
    • The Commercial Classes

    Economic Life-Patterns and Prospects

    • Inland Trade
    • Overseas Trade - Role of Foreign Trading
    • Companies - Position of Indian Merchants Over-land Trade
    • The Mughal State and Commerce
    • Trend of India’s Economy and Prospects during the First Half of the Eighteenth Century
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