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International Relations (International Relations (Mains))


  • History
  • Geography
  • Indian Society
  • Polity & Governance
  • International Relations
  • Economy
  • Science & Technology
  • Environment
  • Internal Security
  • Ethics
  • UPSC Syllabus

    • India and its neighborhood- relations.
    • Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests
    • Effect of policies and politics of developed and developing countries on India’s interests,
    • Indian diaspora
    • Important International institutions, agencies and fora, their structure, mandate

    India’s Foreign Policy

    • Evolution and Challenges
      • Evolution of India’s foreign policy (Including NAM, Look East and Gujral Doctrine)
      • Determinants and challenges of India’s Foreign Policy
    • Recent Policies
      • Neighborhood first policy
      • Act east policy
      • Link west policy
      • Indian ocean outreach
      • Soft Power and Hard Power diplomacy
      • Defence and Nuclear Diplomacy
      • Space diplomacy
      • Para diplomacy-A New Way for Indian  Foreign Policy?
      • Middle Power Coalition
      • Significance of PMO in foreign policy making
      • India’s Strategic Connect with the World
      • Rise of Realpolitik in India’s Foreign Policy in recent times
      • Indian Diaspora

    India and Its Neighbours

    • India-China
      • Border dispute
      • China’s string of pearls
      • China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Prospects and Pitfalls
        • Maritime Silk Road” linking the Indian and Pacific Oceans
        • Why India is alarmed regarding BRI?
      • India’s trade deficit with China
      • China’s Malacca Dilemma
      • 2+1 Dialogue mechanism proposed by China
      • A rising China: Challenges the US primacy in Asia and role of India
      • Chinese project of diverting Tibetan waters
      • South China Sea: objection of China to   India’s presence
      • China denies CPEC backing as ‘debt trap’ for Pakistan (Debt trap diplomacy of China)
      • The Unintended Consequences of India’s Policy on Citizenship for Tibetan Refugees
      • Indias Concern in Joining RCEP    
      • China’s Economic Slowdown
    • India-Pakistan
    • Indo-Pak Relations : Border Dispute and J&K issue
      • Terrorism emanating from Pakistan
      • Indus waters policy shift
      • Dispute over Gilgit-Baltistan
      • CPEC in PoK
      • Nuclear India-Pak-US
      • Indian stance regarding Baluchistan
    • India Bhutan
      • Bhutan’s significance for Indian Foreign policy
      • India-Bhutan Friendship Treaty
      • Objection of Bhutan to India’s Motor vehicle agreement
      • Bhutan’s rejection of China’s BRI
    • India-Nepal
      • Indo-Nepal Relations : Fluctuating ties
      • Nepal’s tilt towards China
      • Nepal-China Transit Agreement: An Evaluation
      • India’s concern about Nepal’s new Constitution
      • The Issue of Water and Hydropower Cooperation
      • Nepal Bharat Maitri Project
    • India-Myanmar
      • Democracy in Myanmar
      • Scope for cooperation between N-E India & Myanmar
      • Rohingya issue
      • Buddhist Chauvinism
      • Major Projects: Kaladan multi-modal corridor, India-Myanmar- Thailand trilateral highway
    • India-Bangladesh
      • Indo-Bangladesh Relations
      • Water Dispute Teesta water issue & Ganga river dispute
      • Bangladesh demand to stop the construction of the Tipaimukh Hydro- Electric Power Project on the Barak River
      • Differences in approach of India and China towards Bangladesh
      • Illegal Immigration
      • Understanding Bangladesh’s Unexpected Development Success
    • India-Afghanistan
      • Instability in Afghanistan and role of India
      • India’s cooperation in Afghanistan               
      • Moscow Format
    • India-Maldives
      • Geostrategic Importance of Maldives
      • Recent developments in Maldives exemplifying recalibration of ties
      • FTA Between China and Maldives - Warning For India
    • India-Srilanka
      • Sino-Sri Lanka Relationship
      • Fishermen issue
      • Issues on 13th amendment (Tamil & Minority Rights)
      • Human Right violations & OHCHR Resolution on Sri Lanka
    • Indian Ocean Region
      • Indian Ocean region and world affairs
      • India is a “Net Security Provider” of the Indian Ocean
      • Increasing Chinese influence in the Indian Ocean
      • 20 years of formation of IORA
      • Piracy in the Indian Ocean
      • Seychelles’ parliament refusal to ratify an Indian naval base plan on the Assumption Island         
      • Importance of Seychelles to India
    • Indo-Pacific
      • Concept of Indo-Pacific from perspectives different countries
      • East Asia Summit acts as a bridge for Indo-Pacific region
      • India-Pacific Regional Dialogue
      • SAARC: Challenges and Prospects
      • Intra-low regional trade
      • BIMSTEC as an alternative to SAARC
      • Nepal withdrew from first ever BIMSTEC’s military drill in India.
      • Progress of BBIN project
    • Global Issues
      • Disarmament
      • Climate Change
      • Terrorism
      • Global Governance
      • Indian Diaspora

    India and Extended Neighbourhood

    • India-Indonesia
      • Indonesia’s vision as a “Global Maritime Axis.” and it’s significance for India
    • India-Singapore
      • India-Singapore Bilateral Agreement for naval cooperation
    • Thailand
      • Indo-Thai relations: Challenges & opportunities
    • India-Vietnam
      • India -Vietnam’s strategic cooperation
    • India-ASEAN
      • Importance of ASEAN in establishing peace and stability in region
      • ASEAN-India Relations: Prospects and Challenges in Economic Partnership
      • India’s cooperation with the ASEAN has been less than China and Japan

    Central Asia

    • Connect Central Asia Policy
      • Importance of central Asia
      • Golden Crescent
      • Connectivity Projects (INSTC, Ashgabat Agreement, TAPI Pipeline)
    • India Mongolia
      • India-Mongolia Bilateral Cooperation
      • Mongolia launched construction of first strategically oil refinery,  constructed by India

    West Asia/Middle East

    • Importance of West Asia for India
    • Change in West Asian strategic thinking
    • China’s engagement in West Asia and challenges to India
    • Reasons behind India’s active strategic engagements with West Asian countries  without participating in West Asian turmoil
    • Shia-Sunni wedge in West Asian countries
    • Importance of Saudi Arabia, Challenges  in India-Saudi Arabia Relations
    • Plight on Indian migrant workers.
    • Relations between India and United Arab Emirates
    • Middle East to India Deep water Pipeline (MEIDP)
    • India-Iran
      • Consolidating India-Iran Cooperation
      • Connectivity- Importance of Chabahar port
      • Iran nuclear deal: Iran Sanctions & India’s Options
    • India Israel:
      • From ‘in the closet’ into a fast-developing open relationship
      • strategic significance of the Indo-Israeli relationship
      • De-hyphenation of Israel and Palestine

    India and World

    • India-Africa
      • India-Africa Trade relations: Prospects
      • Contribution of Indian Diaspora in various fields in Africa.
      • African co-operation in ensuring security and peace in Indian Ocean region
      • India’s Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Africa’s hydrocarbon sector.
      • Strategic Partnership between India and South Africa
    • India-Europe
      • The first India-Nordic Summit
      • What is GDPR? its implication for India
      • influx of refugees into Europe
      • irritants between India-EU (FTA)
      • A new European Union strategy for India
      • Ukrainian Crisis’ has lead to resurgence of cold war
      • Brief on India-UK relations
      • Brief on India-France relations
    • India and USA
      • Brief of India-US relations
      • Mutually supportive Defence cooperation relationship
      • logjams in implementation of civil nuclear cooperation agreement between India and the USA
      • Bilateral Social Security Agreements
      • The rise of protectionist regime in USA and the challenges for the Indian
      • Importance of New Security strategy (NSS) of USA for India
      • Recent US extraterritorial Sanctions and their potential impacts on India
      • Potential impact of US sanctions towards Russia, Iran and North Korea using CAATSA on US-India relation,
      • USA pulls out of INF treaty-Its implication for India
      • Pivot to the East policy of the USA
      • The Arithmetic of India-U.S. Relations and the Russian Factor
      • The First India-US 2+2 Dialogue: An Assessment
      • Challenges in Implementing JCPOA after the US Withdrawal
      • LEMA-Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement
      • Visa, Free Trade and WTO
    • India-Canada
      • Uranium Deal
    • India-Russia
      • India’s increasing defence deal with USA, Israel
      • Russian arms deal with Pakistan
      • Stagnation between India-Russia Relations
      • Russian proposal of ‘Eurasian Economic Union
    • India-Japan
      • Japan’s funding of major projects in India
      • Nuclear Pact
      • Japan’s Pacifism
      • 13th annual India - Japan summit
    • India-Australia
      • Australia’s “An India Economic Strategy to 2035”, a vision document
      • Nuclear cooperation between India- Australia

    International Organisaton and Global Issues

    • United Nation and UNSC
      • UNSC Reforms : Importance and Challenges
    • BRICS
      • Advantages of setting up the New Development Bank
      • Prospects and Challenges of BRICS
    • Commonwealth
      • Shared history of Commonwealth
      • Relevance in current time and Areas of Cooperation
    • Shanghai Cooperation Organization
      • Benefits and challenges of India’s entry in SCO
    • IMF – The International Monetary Fund:
      • issues concerning the reforms in Bretton Wood twins and needs structural reforms to reflect post globalization  realities of the world
    • NATO – The North Atlantic Treaty Organization:
      • Relevance of NATO in post USSR era
    • TPP – The Trans-Pacific Partnership:
      • Will RCEP prove to be a competitor of TPP in the Asia-Pacific region
    • WTO – The World Trade Organization:
      • Doha round and Singapore Agenda: Challenges in implementation         
      • USA-India dispute
      • Need to revamp WTO
    • Arctic Council:
      • Arctic is attracting global interest
    • IAEA
      • India’s nuclear facilities under IAEA safeguards
    • UK Referendum – Brexit
      • Consequences of Brexit for United Kingdom and European Union,
      • Effect of Brexit on China and India
    • Refugee problem:
      • Does the world need a new UN convention on refugees
      • United Nations member states (except the U.S. and Hungary) agreed on a Global Compact for Migration to better manage international migration
    • Terrorism:
      • Reasons of rise of far right wing politics in many developed and developing countries
      • The Comprehensive Convention on  International Terrorism (CCIT)
      • UNSC’s 1267 Al Qaeda Sanctions
        Committee on Jaish-e-Mohammad Chief Masood Azhar        
      • Security Council Resolution 2322 to   enhance the efficacy of international  legal and judicial systems
      • Lone-wolf attacks.
    • Yemen Crisis-
      • Yemen Crisis: Reasons and impacts
    • South China Sea
      • Contention over South China Sea and South China Sea Ruling
      • Senkaku and Diaoyu conflict between China and Japan
      • Role of India in the wake of increasing South China Sea dispute
    • Other
      • World coming towards a new multi-polar order with USA as a waning superpower and China-Russia axis as an emerging challenger
      • India and the International Solar Alliance
      • Venezuela-Columbia Border Issue
      • AIIB & The Changing World Order
      • Multilateral export control regimes : Significance and challenges of India’s Entry
      • US-Venezuela Stand-off : Impact on Global Oil Prices
      • Renaissance and Reticence in India’s            North-South Connectivity Platform
      • Strategic Petroleum Reserves: Stocking  Oil for Rainy Days
      • QUAD: Strategic and economic benefits
      • India has been accorded associate member status by IEA,: Its importance for India
      • Why RIC is as important to India as JAI and BRICS?
      • Rising Protectionism and Currency Wars
    • Indian Diaspora
      • Role played by Indian Diaspora
      • Issue of safety of Indians abroad
      • Schemes for Welfare of Overseas Indian
      • Indian Diaspora in Gulf
    • Nitaqat law and Present Status
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